Depressed about job

Apple Strudel

Well-known member
Sad to say, a colleague has been trying her best to bother me but I tried to stood my ground and not be bothered by her.

I hate my retail job but I still have like 3 months more to pay off my remaining school fees. So I have to stay for around that period of time...ARRRGHHH.

I even had a slight panic attack, go front of the management and that idiot of a colleague.

I don't even know why I am torturing myself by going through all these. All for the sake of an uncertain 'future'???? or just plainly for survival purposes?

Events like these just makes life even more miserable and makes me even more determine to end it all before my 30's.


they should sack the other worker whos been bovering you,shouldnt have to put up with that kind of shit when you go to work. Thats why I probably dont have much luck in jobs, I just cant get on with other people,and plus I dont like being told what to do by people who are up there own ass to much

I had a retail job when i was sixteen and hated it,people think they can just walk over school leavers and they wont do anything...yes your young but you have to learn yourself instead of being contridicted and nagged all the time

Its upto you like you said you have fees to pay off, if there are no other jobs around then stick with it otherwise get something else which is less public such as cleaning dishes in a restuarant

Its hard enough working when your young as it is,let alone twat colleagues trying to mess it up for you.

Apple Strudel

Well-known member
I don't know how long I can take this...and well, dishwashing and other cleaning jobs are pretty ideal but they might find it hard to take me seriously since i'm 'young' and that stereotyped 'spoilt citizen' of my country. And jobs like those are pretty hard to come by and if they do, they are pretty much snatch up by mature candidates.

I am trying to stay and omg...mannnnnnnnnnnnn....geez wheez...i'm reaching a near breaking point soon.


Well-known member
they should sack the other worker whos been bovering you
Knowing the way things are, she will probably get promoted and hence given carte blanche to tread all over her chosen target(s) as that is how people are. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
I'm guessing this chick you mentioned is going to be working in retail for the rest of her life while you will be paying off fees and moving up to better things. No wonder she is bitter!

Apple Strudel

Well-known member
Haha yeah, she worked like 2 years, left and came back again.

But then again, i'm afraid that people like these are pretty rampant :( Office or not, retail or not, they are everywhere :(


Well-known member
She probably came back because retail is the only place she will ever have her own private throne room. I mean, she actually CAME BACK to a retail job. The day I left I was dancing up and down the street like a bad Julie Andrews movie. Honestly, I think you need to show this lunatic retail girl some compassion. She can't be functioning properly upstairs.