Defining moments, In the Begining


Well-known member
When did ya'll realise you had a problem with anxiety ?

Was it a defining moment that you can remember ?

I have two of these moments.

The first was when I was 14. It was an incredibly happy period of my life. I had alot of friends, always out, running the streets, life was good. The bad, which I didnt realise then, was that we were doing drugs.

One day on the bus home from school, I had felt uncomfortable, for no reason. I immedietly thought to myself, for the first time ever "I dont know how to act".

Then, it was a few years later. By now, a full drug addict, moved to a rough part of the city, hanging out with bad people. High on drugs one day, at someones house, everyone was quiet, not a word for what seemed like hours. I was EXTREMELY uncomfortable. I left, and I realized, I have a major problem with anxiety.

They were the two for me. The first I suppose was the early warning which I didnt understand, and the second, was when I realised I had a serious problem.

Now its about ten years later. I havnt done drugs since I was about 17. I drink alcahole in moderation. But you know what, my choices as a teenager, mixed with my traumatic, violent early childhood, I guess I was prone to this condition and despite my best efforts Im still in the grip of this condition, in a far milder form maybe, but nonetheless.


Well-known member
When I was nine, my mum, my teacher, some teaching instructer we had and my babysitter were all saying how disappointing my behaviour was, and my mum and my teacher saying I was retarded.....thats how I knew....and then being sent to a child psychologist, because I was such a retarded embarrassing child.

Being mixed up with a disabled girl and being put in the wrong class for the day and being too scared to speak up, that was another sign :oops: :oops:


Well-known member
I realised I had a problem mixing with/ making friends during the first few weeks of starting secondary school.

Other children seemed to integrate with ease, but at the time, I felt totally unable to and wasn't sure how anyway.
I have never felt comfortable talking to people, but I only really REALLY actually understood it like until like 3 years ago. I don't remember a specific time while this was triggered though. I was never one to talk, but way back then I guess I didn't really think about it all that much.


Well-known member
My problem started at my 5 grade i was like 10 or eleven, i started being the target of bulling, i had my share of humiliations and beatings until my 10 grade. So what was the result of about five years of bulling????
The F****** that torture mi are fine, they go on whit theirs lives have families, and 15 years laters iam the one in a shit hall.


I was always "shy" growing up, but in tenth grade is when my panic disorder really kicked into high gear. I didn't know what was wrong with me really. All I knew is that I couldn't even walk down the hall without feeling like everyones eyes were on me, sweating profusely, heart beating fast, choking feeling, tense muscles, etc. In class experiences were even worse. I would leave school each day looking like I just got done with the roughest gym class of my life, when I had actually just been fighting my body with my mind all day long. After 1 week of school that year I signed myself out without telling anybody except arguing about it with my guidance counselor who told me I couldn't just leave. Proved her wrong, and it wasn't a bad decision, as I continued my schooling through homeschool and actually went to college the next year. Unfortunately the panic came back as I found it difficult making friends since I was living in an apartment with my extremely extroverted, opiate addicted brother and his wacko girlfriend, not in the dorms, which would have suited me so much better. I got through one semester with a 4.0 GPA and the rest I like to forget about...Basically panic came back due to having no friends and no intentions of being the usual "party-hearted" college kid. I just took it that I'm different and I'll find a different way to make my money. I threw my college degree down the toilet, all because of panic disorder. I can always go back but it hasn't gotten any better so it'd just be a waste of money... That's my story...


Well-known member
I remember having anxiety issues even at the age of three. When I was in nursery school I felt scared and embarrassed and inadequate. I know a lot of little kids are shy and get scared sometimes and it probably didn't seem like a big deal at the time, but looking back on it now, I don't think that was just shyness. It was more than that. All of my earliest memories are of being scared or embarrassed or feeling bad about myself.