Deeper reason behind lack of motivation/ambition?


New member
I just think about people like Henry Ford and how motivated he was to achieve his vision. This man failed countless times, he had people telling him upfront that he would never be a success. Yet he never felt like giving up. Just kept on trying and failing and trying. How did he continue on? Was it his destiny that kept him from giving up? I find it hard to understand that as humans we have to struggle to stay motivated. I'm 21 and have no job no girl no social life and a dream that seems impossible. I wanna succeed so badly but I can only stay motivated for short intervals. It's like I spend more time trying to motivate myself and fight off self doubt rather than actually working. I have this built up notion that certain people are naturally motivated from birth, only because they are meant to do great things. Thats why they cant rest or even talk themselves out of it cause its crucial; its their destiny. (check out the Wright brothers) It's just frustrating cuz I constantly do the exact opposite, it makes me feel like whatever I do will never amount to the ones who are pivotal to the world. No matter how badly I need ambition, no matter how persistent I am, it's just not worth it. I told God that if what I dream of achieving is undoubtedly needed. If I will make a difference in just one person's life or inspire one child, then grant me the ambition to keep going. Cuz I'm giving up.


Well-known member
Welcome to the boards Road2Zion :)

i get where your coming from, I'm in almost the exact same situation and has been for most of my life. I don't think there is a miracle formula that will make us more ambitious or successful. Every individual is unique and has to find their own path. Others can help by giving advice and guidance, but ultimately we choose our own path in life.

I once considered that it was my destiny to live in misery and turmoil, but I realized that I didn't lack ambition or talent, I had a condition that made life harder for me and things other took for granted was a struggle for me to achieve. I'm still learning to live with my illness, but years of treatment has made a difference. I'm a much more balanced person now and things are a bit easier.

I'm 32 now, and I haven't achieved any of the goals I was set for when I was your age. But I have never given up. There has been many hard days, many bumps in the road and twigs in the wheels but I have always tried to believe that I could get through.

No matter how bad things get never give up. getting up from the mud so you can continue the fight is just as important as Henry Ford starting from scratch the second time he failed. It doesn't matter what you do in life as long as you live. If you crawl into a corner you are already dead. If you give up you will never save a child or build an airplane. Don't give up on life and life won't give up on you.


Well-known member
Motivation is keeping an end goal in mind, and having ideas in how to reach that goal, learning from where you went wrong, and trying something different. Therefore lack of motivation is either not having a focused goal or not believing that you can reach it or giving up too easily. I too struggle with lack of motivation, but am prepared to do different things in order to change, whether that be changing location, changing career paths etc. I know that with a bit of work and the knowledge that change is a good thing, something will fall into my lap and will help keep me motivated. Just like water, we too can stagnate if we stay still and keep doing what we have always done, and stagnation maybe one of the main triggers for lack of motivation.