Death And Rebirth....


Well-known member
Ugh, I feel a hypocrite posting this, since although it ends positively I'm not actually positive while posting it lol.. Oh well, It's how I'd like to feel though...

Death And Rebirth

The monsters rage.
I’m inside my cage
Imprisoned there for now.
Make me feel
That this is real
There is no getting out.

The doubts, they rule
Forever cruel
Murdering self-esteem.
Chain me up
A poisoned cup
Is handed then to me.

I drink it down
As the crown
Is placed upon their heads.
Silently die
One last cry.
I let out one last breath.

The key is lost.
But at all cost
It must be found once more.
Myself, I’ll free
From misery
I’ll open up that door.

My life regained
Though terror reigned.
I prepare myself for war.
Against my foes
Strength then grows
As light shines forth once more.

Freed from death
Take in deep breath
And to my feet arise.
I’ll be strong.
Right or wrong.
I’ll defeat the evil lies.

Within my heart:
The strongest part.
I finally find that key.
Unlock the crate.
Step through the gate.
The answer lies in me.

Enemies slain
I rid my brain
Of the horrors that were there.
Then I find
That my mind
Was all that existed there.

All a dream
Until the beam
Of truth’s bright light shined forth.
Sunlit face
Full of grace.
You can’t see your own worth.

You are yourself
Full of wealth
Hear as your heart does call:
“Let go of pain
Arise again
And let love conquer all.”

*Sigh* That could do with some work... Oh well.. Hope you like.


Well-known member
Oh, Starry!, i love your poems more and more! You write in a way that i think my poems are not good at all hehe :oops:
I understand that sometimes we are not positive but write happy endings because that is what we would like to have, and we may have them if we have faith in ourselves.
Great poem! :wink:


Well-known member
Thank you so very, very much. :)

You are a great writer though, I love your poems, don't doubt yourself. ;)

Yep, writing the positive ending was for exactly that reason.

Thanks again. :)