dating with sa


Well-known member
i believe there are dozens of similar topics,but recently i met someone online and was thinking,about the anxiety should i be telling person,that the reason why i am single is because of it,as i suffer from moderate anxiety in different social situations,where i would start blushing sweating and etc.So how do i go about this should i try to pull it off since im ok if on the meds,but otherwise i would be in bits.Any experiences and opinions are appreciated :cool: and does it get easier when you get to know someone closer in a relationship.


Well-known member
Hey Does,

I think you should tell the person. It will most likely come up sooner or later, and if they already know about it, it may allow them to be able to help somehow.

I dont know if it gets easier per se, my wife and I are both S/A, so i couldnt say when it comes to someone who isnt.

Also, in fairness to the other person, i think you should tell them. If they call things off because of that, it sucks, but at the same time, at least you arent wasting your time. The way they respond will tell you whether or not the person is worth being with in the first place, IMO.
I definitely agree. Be honest and don't be afraid to tell friends or someone you are dating that you have a social anxiety. In my experience, honesty actually helped and allowed me to be more myself and not that person with SA. I know exactly what you are talking about. You have a personality inside your head that you believe is really you, but SA is holding you back. Be honest, and don't hide it. You'll be surprised how it can help.


Well-known member
thx for the honest answers guys,and i do feel that pretending to be someone else isn't the way to go or fair on the other person.