Dangerously, controlling arrogant people...


Well-known member
alright so i seem to be coming across alot of arrogant people lately, it feels as if alot of them are from the baby boomers generation of the 40s/50s/60s era...back from the conservative days, this is a bit of a generalisation as any generation can harvest these sorts of people ...i am talking about the sorts of personalities where these people believe their opinions are the only correct opinions and who will talk to you in a patronising almost condescending tone of voice...i know a number of people who are like this to everyone they talk to except for people they consider a threat or unless someone charms the nasties out of of them ...but if they feel they are above you in some way then they'll act with an almost fearless arrogance...

i used to have a friend who was the same, very alpha male controlling like and then i worked at a job where my uncle is like this and other people in my family...also these people are so confusing because i dont know when they are being sarcastic or serious because they don't really execute their sentences well enough for me to know if it is a joke or not.......

i really could do without these types of personalities, where are all the nicer more empathetic people? or is it just something that happens to certain people after they reach a point in life?
i don't get it....

i know people who talk down to everyone in a real know-it-all way and it makes me sick being exposed to it, it actually gives me a headache being around these people because its so un-relaxed..anyway.

part of me is afraid of applying for new jobs because of the very thought of being stuck with these sorts of bulldog type personas.
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New member
god, do i know how you feel. I just applied for a job, and I really don't want to have to deal with anyone that is arrogant. It causes GREAT anxiety in people like us.

I think the issue is that the nicer people are exhausted from all the stubborn arrogant people, therefore no one says anything. Some people who speak up are mistaken for being like those who are arrogant.