

Active member
I'm really sorry if this doesn't belong here, i just kinda missed this and well..
i did it today, don't even know why. not completly at least..i just missed the feeling and, well yeah.

are there more people here who do it? if yes, why? do you want to stop? do you have any tipps how to stop?


not actually Fiona Apple
There's a good handful of people who do, and even more people who have. As for quitting, snapping a rubber band against your wrist whenever you have the urge works in my experience, not the same feeling but a good substitute w/out scars.


Well-known member
Thanks, vj. I haven't tried that one. I quit a few years ago and I find that sucking on an ice block until my mouth goes numb really helps. You get the same pain effect in your teeth but like vj said, no scars.


Active member
i don't like that rubberband, it feels..strange.
in my experience what helps is to make the arm go numb with cold water or ice.
my problem atm is, that all that doesn't help me at all. because i miss the wounds and the blood and the feeling. my reason is the wound i dont mind the scars, i love them. i know its stupid and that i will regret it, but i just want to see it!
how can i stop me from that, when i feel like this? any ideas? =(


Well-known member
That's a tough one. Have you considered moving to your fingertips or the soles of your feet? You will still get the same high but you will heal much faster with few or no long term scars. This would be a temporary measure, of course until you find the help you need. I have never been to therapy so don't know if it would help you why not try? Take it from someone who has been there, cutting feels great while you're doing it but NOT cutting, if you can hold out, is an even better high.


Active member
yeah i know..i have been "clean" for a long time now. but i don't know, its like i'm falling apart atm. since a few month it all gets worse. my depression, the fear, the urge to cut- i just can't take it anymore!
i've got holidays atm, but i have to go back to school after the weekend, and that scares me so much that i start crying when i just think about it, i can't breathe, i am so scared of not making it, of failing in school. there are only 3 weeks left til ma graduation and i have to take 4 tests in that time, and have to hold some presentations. how can i NOT want to cut myself in such a time?!
srry...i wrote a bit much. it just kinda flowd out..