Curettage Surgery


Well-known member
its called tumescent liposuction. it curettage/lipo I believe fro axillary hh. there is also a new procedure called vaser which I heard don't work fro people who have brom and hh. its more of a laser type surgery. chk the msn under group- hh for posts.

there is also a US.. something but it also another type of laser sugery. This in combination with lipo first helped them with the odor and the sweating. 1-lipo and and 2- US...

If any onyone find the name for the 2nd procedure... LSA.

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Well-known member
Yeah, good post there Darknight. There's quite a few procedures that all do the same thing - and I think most of us here post on ESFB too (my username there is Kyle).

As for Vaser, it didn't work for TeaAndToast, and a woman who runs one of the HH websites decided to go and check it out, but told me that most who had it seemed to be getting poor results. So I definitely don't recommend Vaser.


Well-known member
hi all
yeah tea and toast since i had my last op (removal of the sweat glands) my sweat is more sticky yet before i had it done it was more like water. Ive noticed i can keep my arms up at home of course lol after a bath and no sweat will come threw after about an hour i can smell the b.o even wen no sweat or very little has come threw. But after i had the op to remove the sweat glands i got nothing no smell or sweat for 2 and a half years. Apparantly this op helps with the bromhidrosis and hh but ive also heard a quarter of the people who have it done have to have it redone every 4 month or so a woman told me from one of the hh sites i really hope i dont fall into that cateorgary i could not afford to have this done every 4 month.

Yes im in the wrong profession in my next life i want to be a doctor lol we should all get a discount he should slash our doctors consultaion in half £390 for an hour thats gonna break my heart but if it works its money well spent i suppose.


Well-known member
and yes tea and toast it is mainly the smell that gets me down my hh isnt as bad as b4 the op im just damp now where as b4 it would pour from me. So if he could cure the b.o i could live with the sweat. I didnt even know till a few wk ago (when i got this lap top) there was two types of sweat glands i thought the sweat caused the smell. Unlucky us we got the double whammy lol


New member
hello all,
sorry but i need u pls to guide me w i do coz i did ETS to my hh from palms , feet and axilla from 5 yrs , my palms is pretty good after this operation but my axilla and my feet so bad problem for me , and as u know axilla is the most bad for me so i thinking about to have operation for my axilla sweating , so pls advise me with the suitable one for axillary sweating to do
thanks all , and wait ur replay