could I have OCD?


Well-known member
So I've had anxiety my whole life and it's basically always been obsessive thoughts/worries/fears that have gotten worse as I've gotten older. When I was little I guess it wasn't as bad cause I had less to worry about. But as a teenager (I'll be 20 in April) it's gotten out of control. In 2008 I started having panic attacks and the obsessive fear of having another are what have kept them going since then. The anxiety feels like constant obsessive thoughts in my head. I had never thought I could have OCD because when I think OCD, I think about people who wash their hands 10 times in a row, or have to skip every other step, or other things like that. I don't have anything like that. I have very small things but nothing big like that. I use tumblr and if something has 49 notes that really bothers me and I have to "like" it to get it to 50. Small things like that but nothing big. Anyways I was at a friends house the other day and she said she had heard in her psychology class that Anxiety can be about underlying obsessive thoughts or something. Which made me think of OCD and so I came here and read a post by someone that sounded just like me.

My obsessive thoughts aren't just about anxiety. If I like something I obsess over it. If I like a person, I constantly think about them and get attached and plan out conversations and our future together in my head. If I'm afraid or worried about something I obsess over it. If I'm home alone I'm convinced someone is outside the house and are going to break in and I can't stop thinking about it. And aside from the obsessive thoughts, my mind just NEVER stops. I don't know how to stop thinking. It keeps me from sleeping because I can't stop my mind from running and thinking about everything in an obsessive way.

Could I possibly have OCD?? :/


Well-known member
OCD, im not too sure about it but you could have a touch of it. I know i have intrusive thoughts that leads me to have anxiety. Intrusive thoughts, check it out for yourself and see. But the intrusive thought i have is HOCD, so i know that thoughts can be obsessive.

I personally think i have obsessive thinking because if something goes wrong or i said something stupid i seriously cannot stop obsessing about it for ages. No matter how much i say or write it away, the thought sticks with me.

What you are saying about the numbers on a page, this sounds like OCD alright but i wouldnt know enought to tell you if it is or isnt.