Contradicting Thoughts

I find that lately my intrusive thoughts have started occurring more frequently. These are not thoughts about killing or injuring other people or myself, my intrusive thoughts are much more peculiar. I have these wierd thoughts that always contradict what I'm doing. For example, I go to get a drink of water, and right before the glass touches my lips, a voice inside my head tells me that if I drink the water I will die later that night. It seems that these thoughts starting to interrupt EVERY SINGLE THING I do!! I can't even do the simplest task without fearing that something bad is going to happen. Does anyone else have these thoughts? Are they as difficult for you as they are for me?


Well-known member
Interesting. Those are intrusive thoughts that might be typical of OCD, right? I had OCD when I was a kid, I think. I used to think irrational things (obsessions), and then I only felt safe from those irrational fears if I did something irrational and silly as well (compulsions). My OCD disappeared on its own though, while I was still a kid. I think I realized what I was doing was just stupid, I wasn't being a "man", and then maybe other things distracted me (I had several friends around).

So I don't really know how to deal with that, but I would suggest you DON'T worry, don't let your thoughts scare you for any reason, they are just thoughts you have because you mind is very imaginative. PLEASE DON'T let those thoughts change anything you do, don't let them influence you for any reason. You know they are irrational, just think of them and say to yourself "Heheh, I can come up with very crazy stuff, but it's ok". I heard that most people have intrusive thoughts sometimes, so don't worry. If you worry, you are fried, because the more you worry about them, the more you think about them, the more intrusive thoughts you get.


Well-known member
As long as you can recognize these are intrusive OCD thoughts you'll be fine. Remember, the brain functions in ways unpredicatable to man. A natural function of the brain is to compute all possible scenarios however unlikely, so remember that your ability to shake off these thoughts will determine your mental health. Try not to pay attention to them, take the sip of water anyway so to speak and relieve yourself of all anxiety. OCD is always lies, the problem is we believe them every time.

I get thoughts like yours every once in a while as well. I remember studying once, and right after reviewing what I'd taken in my mind told me "you'll forget everything tomorrow".... Stupid shit like that, we must learn to not pay attention to it and it will go away.

Saint Joe

Let me tell you a little story.. After i turned 13, I began showing symptoms of OCD and got worse as the time passed by. They appeared because of psychological trauma (the first crush and the last). I did not seek help and never did, i eventually used google to find out what the heck was wrong with me (i felt very relieved when i founded out that i wasn't alone or that i wasn't the first case in human history with this). Of course this disease (i call it a feature by the way) wasted me precious hours everyday because of the rituals/obsessions/etc but it also made me very smart because i was obsessed with wanting to know all sort of things (i just couldn't stop digging and digging into knowledge - i had to fix myself or make my environment more comfortable). I know this sounds stupid, but through knowledge everything i could have wanted became possible and also i managed to control my OCD with my mind (intelligence, reasoning skills etc).

I still have it today (7 years have passed since then), i still check my house's door with my 'special' algorithm every night (fear for my life :) ?), and i still do some sort of other rituals now and then.. but it takes only a small time this days. Ah, and don't worry, in the past, i did have occasionally the 'zomg can't touch this or it'll kill me'.. Find a new ritual or obsession and you'll forget about it lol (that happened in my case, seriously.. of course, you can also use your mind and know that being dirty or touching 'contaminated' things won't kill you..) When you have too many obsessions, you'll tend to forget about the older ones. And yes, sometimes it can get so ugly that it *HURTS* being you and you ask yourself 'why me, why mee..' (been there, done that - you people are not alone, trust me >:D<). I didn't want to take drugs because i always feared that it will kill my personality and my creativity. Being nuts sometimes has it's advantages, right ? Being an atheist with no human emotion left in him, but understanding other people's emotions has it's advantages, i assure you.. And the most important, knowing how this crappy world works in it's every aspect is the key to your 'happiness'..

My lesson to you all: It is Really necessary to stop FEARING to overcome OCD, i didn't find any other way (drugs may work, but they may alter you - so if you can live with that..) And yes, it works perfectly. Just be confident and do not fear anything (i know it sounds crazy, but the moment i realized that i can battle my mind, i focused on my weaknesses.. my emotions ! which are what triggers the fears -> obsessions -> rituals). You'll get it.. sooner or later. And I never looked back.. It worked for me ^^ And if you think i was just a mild case.. think again.. i got all the standard symptoms at some point (even the fear of being gay) and other stupid nonsense i didn't ever think i can obsess about (including killing someone, or being killed); at the peak of the disease i would lose 3 to 6 hours every day! nice, right.. ? So yes, YOU TOO can DO IT ! All you need is to use your brain. Just trust in it. Stop fearing your judgment, suppress your emotions instead.. it's some price to pay... or is that how it seems at first ? I would now say that you are better without them. You can also still feel pleasure, so enjoy having sex or playing video games or conquering the world.. or whatever. The possibilities are endless, you just have to believe it yourself.. this being said by a scientific kind of guy so it's no 'spiritual' bullshit :) but it works.. Take control of yourself now ! Tiny steps at first and you'll get where you want someday. Just don't ever lose hope.. It can be done.. I'm a real person, and i stand here as a proof. Best wishes to everyone from Romania, Bucharest.
(and yes, i have friends, a girlfriend(+sex), career, and everything else i would need - so don't worry, all things will come eventually).

P.S.: i stumbled on this page accidentally and i though helping this guy out because nobody tried to help me through my ordeal. I will bookmark this page and try to reply to anyone who needs help.. you can also post this on other threads with OCD problems, i don't feel like repeating myself over again :)) And sorry for all those parentheses i used for explaining. I'm too lazy right now to proper structure my story. Hope it wasn't that hard to read, i just wanted to help you. Cya my lunatic friends ^^


Let me tell you a little story.. After i turned 13, I began showing symptoms of OCD and got worse as the time passed by. They appeared because of psychological trauma (the first crush and the last). I did not seek help and never did, i eventually used google to find out what the heck was wrong with me (i felt very relieved when i founded out that i wasn't alone or that i wasn't the first case in human history with this). Of course this disease (i call it a feature by the way) wasted me precious hours everyday because of the rituals/obsessions/etc but it also made me very smart because i was obsessed with wanting to know all sort of things (i just couldn't stop digging and digging into knowledge - i had to fix myself or make my environment more comfortable). I know this sounds stupid, but through knowledge everything i could have wanted became possible and also i managed to control my OCD with my mind (intelligence, reasoning skills etc).

I still have it today (7 years have passed since then), i still check my house's door with my 'special' algorithm every night (fear for my life :) ?), and i still do some sort of other rituals now and then.. but it takes only a small time this days. Ah, and don't worry, in the past, i did have occasionally the 'zomg can't touch this or it'll kill me'.. Find a new ritual or obsession and you'll forget about it lol (that happened in my case, seriously.. of course, you can also use your mind and know that being dirty or touching 'contaminated' things won't kill you..) When you have too many obsessions, you'll tend to forget about the older ones. And yes, sometimes it can get so ugly that it *HURTS* being you and you ask yourself 'why me, why mee..' (been there, done that - you people are not alone, trust me >:D<). I didn't want to take drugs because i always feared that it will kill my personality and my creativity. Being nuts sometimes has it's advantages, right ? Being an atheist with no human emotion left in him, but understanding other people's emotions has it's advantages, i assure you.. And the most important, knowing how this crappy world works in it's every aspect is the key to your 'happiness'..

My lesson to you all: It is Really necessary to stop FEARING to overcome OCD, i didn't find any other way (drugs may work, but they may alter you - so if you can live with that..) And yes, it works perfectly. Just be confident and do not fear anything (i know it sounds crazy, but the moment i realized that i can battle my mind, i focused on my weaknesses.. my emotions ! which are what triggers the fears -> obsessions -> rituals). You'll get it.. sooner or later. And I never looked back.. It worked for me ^^ And if you think i was just a mild case.. think again.. i got all the standard symptoms at some point (even the fear of being gay) and other stupid nonsense i didn't ever think i can obsess about (including killing someone, or being killed); at the peak of the disease i would lose 3 to 6 hours every day! nice, right.. ? So yes, YOU TOO can DO IT ! All you need is to use your brain. Just trust in it. Stop fearing your judgment, suppress your emotions instead.. it's some price to pay... or is that how it seems at first ? I would now say that you are better without them. You can also still feel pleasure, so enjoy having sex or playing video games or conquering the world.. or whatever. The possibilities are endless, you just have to believe it yourself.. this being said by a scientific kind of guy so it's no 'spiritual' bullshit :) but it works.. Take control of yourself now ! Tiny steps at first and you'll get where you want someday. Just don't ever lose hope.. It can be done.. I'm a real person, and i stand here as a proof. Best wishes to everyone from Romania, Bucharest.
(and yes, i have friends, a girlfriend(+sex), career, and everything else i would need - so don't worry, all things will come eventually).

P.S.: i stumbled on this page accidentally and i though helping this guy out because nobody tried to help me through my ordeal. I will bookmark this page and try to reply to anyone who needs help.. you can also post this on other threads with OCD problems, i don't feel like repeating myself over again :)) And sorry for all those parentheses i used for explaining. I'm too lazy right now to proper structure my story. Hope it wasn't that hard to read, i just wanted to help you. Cya my lunatic friends ^^

hey,im also from romania...i didnt think i would find someone with ocd from seemed to me such a non romanian disease:p well, it would be really cool if u could give me ur messenger id or something to discuss more about..u konw,our common issue: P i still cant understand how could u overcome ur very serious ocd with such a simple solution..; )


Active member
I agree with getbornagain. Remember, the thoughts are OCD thoughts, not real thoughts. Thoughts of genuine fear feel real, and OCD always feels like OCD (in varying shades of grey). Its great that you recognize the thoughts! Then you can accept the fearful possibility rather than trying to "not think about the pink elephant." When you accept it, the OCD has to start running.
it's just ocd.. I had the smae thoughts.. HAD.. for example if I didn't do or if i did do domethign, something bad would happen, or if I said something the wrong way...