Container Gardening

I've been thinking that I'd like to have a garden, but we don't have any specific area that is OURS alone, that I would feel comfortable planting a garden in. I thought of doing it on our balcony, in pots, and I really want to. It would make the house look nicer and it would make me feel better and I'd get to garden. :) The only problem is that I've never gardened in pots, only in an actual garden. And the only experience I have with gardening is vegetables, and I can't decide whether I want vegetables, herbs, or flowers. Or all three!

Has anyone on here ever done container gardening? What's the best kind of pots to use? What's the easiest to do--vegetables, flowers, or herbs? Out of those, what was the easiest of each to grow? If anyone lives in Zone 9 (or wants to help me out and Google along with me), what are the best container plants to plant? I've been Googling, but I'm getting overwhelmed. Also, I'm really a beginner when it comes to gardening, so I need something that's pretty hardy!

Thank you :)


Well-known member
It's probably too early yet but I'm pretty sure Walmart sells alot of ready to go kits. My dad bought one a few years ago. Everything is ready to go you just need to water it per the directions that come with it. My dad bought a cherry tomato plant but I think there were also things like peppers and cucumbers. He also wanted to buy a kit for fresh herbs too but never got around to it but I think they have a whole bunch of different kinds of herbs as well.