Constantly comparing myself to others


Well-known member
*Stands next to WIC so she can see just how much more awesome and exciting she is*

Compared to me, hon, you're a partay animal. My life is as uneventful as they come, but for the most part I'm still a happy-go-lucky goofball. Find your inner dork within, girly, and from there you'll find the humor in this black comedy we call life. From there you might find a little bit of happiness. It may not be everything you want right now, but it's a start.

Aww. :giggle:


Well-known member
I've never really compared myself to others in regards to achievements but more so for their personalities. Being envious of others who are everything I am not, i.e confident, successful, likeable, not suffer from SA and depression. From a professional achievement point of view, that doesn't frustrate me as much.

Sadly, I've had one person in my family, even when I was young, comparing me to others. I remember when as a 16-year-old, I accidentally bashed the car in the drive way and this person in the family said something along the lines of: "So and so can do that and more etc". That stuck with me, until now.

I'd wish I had other people's personalities and minds rather than wishing any materialistic thing.

I guess, at somepoint, you have to have a rebellious attitude. If someone says to me that so-and-so is doing well, I think to myself: "AND?! What do you want me to do about it? Dish out some sweets?".


Well-known member
Hey i'm about the same age as you and don't like to go out a lot. It's mostly for work or school... sometimes I go out to dinner with someone, etc. When i'm out i don't talk much either (some ppl say). One of my favorite things to do is to stay at home and play a videogame :p from the outside most people wouldn't guess this