Commuting by bicycle?


Well-known member
Does anyone here have any experience commuting by bike?

Its likely I'm going to have to in the next year or so and it sounds like my worst nightmare.

I like cycling, although I cant go very far (though the commuting distance will be short). But on a short, 15 minute cycle I come back sweating like mad and it takes 30 minutes sitting in a cool room to cool down enough and stop sweating.

So I'm not sure how I'm supposed to manage cycling to uni and sitting in a lecture/class when I get like this...

Just wondering if anyone has ever had to deal with this?


i just us a electric bike. no pedaling just runs on a battery and can go for awhile that way im not tired.


Well-known member
I don't have HH but

If you're cycling for 15 minutes, aren't you going hell for leather? I mean if I cycle for fun, I come back sweaty. If I cycle to commute I only do 2/3 of the speed I could and coast when I can.

We're in England, it rains. I got over this by wearing cycling shorts/legging type things (FOR MEN!), a biker jacket and a backpack (towel and change of trousers). Maybe I was just looking for an excuse, I always loved 80's metal.
Waterproof trousers will make anyone sweat like crazy and when they do spring a leak it's always near the crutch. I'd find a bus route for very rainy days.

I did a 20 minute cycle at a fairly leisurely pace, albeit up a slight gradient (then down again) and it took forever to cool down after. The route was a few miles I think
I like Driping Jon's response. I use to have this same issue in school and couldn't figure out a solution. Fortunately for me, I lived in an area that rained a lot in the winter so most of the people in class were pretty soaked by the time they arrived - I pretty much blended in during those months. It's definitely a struggle trying to commute with HH, but maybe an electric bike would help? Goodluck!

driping jon

Well-known member
my hair is always wet so when it rains its good i just blame the rain.but it never drys thats a bit more difficult but never mind


Well-known member
Does anyone here have any experience commuting by bike?

Its likely I'm going to have to in the next year or so and it sounds like my worst nightmare.

I like cycling, although I cant go very far (though the commuting distance will be short). But on a short, 15 minute cycle I come back sweating like mad and it takes 30 minutes sitting in a cool room to cool down enough and stop sweating.

So I'm not sure how I'm supposed to manage cycling to uni and sitting in a lecture/class when I get like this...

Just wondering if anyone has ever had to deal with this?

I actually walk maybe a mile to a mile and a half to class everyday, 4 days a week, so here are my suggestions.
1. Bring water with you, make sure its cold too. Keep a jug of water in the fridge before hand and fill up your water bottle before you leave.
2. Leave earlier than you think you need. This is simple and pretty obvious, I get to class maybe 15 minutes before it starts, I sit down, drink my water, and rest.
3.It will be rough but a couple weeks in and you'll start getting used to it. I've been doing this for the past 2 and a half months and I've lost a good 16 pounds (but I also put myself on a diet a few weeks ago).