Communication Issues


Well-known member
Been awhile since my last post, so anyway, I've been feeling like I am having a hard time communicating with others, especially out loud. As if I can't find the correct words/tenses, etc when I am speaking. It's strange. I'm not sure if this is due to my nervousness around people, or what. Anyone else have this problem?


Active member
i don't really have the same issues with the tenses of words, but i am constantly forgetting things i am just about to say. i know everyone does this to some extent, but lately it's been pretty ridiculous, and it is happening multiple times a day.

i also feel like i can't put the thoughts in my head into words, but i've always felt that way. this is especially worse when i'm typing or writing though. i don't really know where these problems are coming from either :/

--by the way i just noticed the horoscope in your signature, i am an aries too. maybe our planets are out of whack? ::p:


Well-known member
Well, mostly I mix up my words, that's of nervousness, since I don't have it when I'm with friends.


Well-known member
That's a HUGE problem of mine & a big reason for my SA & avoidant personality. I can communicate pretty well in writing, but have always been very bad at it in person.
I have difficulty verbalising my thoughts and this is why I'm exceptionally bad at one-on-one conversations, even online I'm not very good. I never know what to say to anybody. On forums, there's an edit and a submit button and I can take as much time as I want to write out a post. In real life, on chatrooms and IM, it's a different story.


Well-known member
Yeah, I think my communication skills are at its worst right now. It's like I'll have a thought/idea in my head, but for some reason my brain can't organize all the words I need to say so it makes sense to the other person...

I've come off as rude a lot in the past so now I over-think about how my sentences should be structured so people don't get the wrong impression, but I just end up pausing a lot and going "umm" too much. :\


Active member
omg yeah it's really hard to communicate with ppl.... too awkward.
the moment i talk to people I don't know well, my heart is beating really fast... :S
For me, I have kind of a delayed reaction with my responses- either it takes me a while to think of something, or to work up the courage to actually say the first thing that pops into my head... and by the time I go to say it, the moment in which the response would have been appropriate has passed.


Active member
same problem here... I think it is due to the phobic attempt to control too many aspects of comunication: "now I have to look him in the eyes, but not too much, and damn my voice is pathetic, F..k I'm nervous, that movement was ridiculous, and so on..."


Well-known member
Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one with this problem, although I suspected I wasn't to begin with. I guess it is always nice when other people verbalize the same insecurities/problems as yourself. If for no other reason than to think "hey, I'm not a complete and total freak!"


Well-known member
For me, I have kind of a delayed reaction with my responses- either it takes me a while to think of something, or to work up the courage to actually say the first thing that pops into my head... and by the time I go to say it, the moment in which the response would have been appropriate has passed.

Yeah that's me too. My other problem is I lose track of the conversation trying to hang on to my own thoughts.

Can you do word associations? You're supposed to say the first thing that pops into your head I just can't do it unless I have ten to fifteen seconds delay. I don't know if it's trying to get the 'right' answer (which is stupid because there is no wrong answer) or some processing issue I've got.


Well-known member
I do have exactly same problem. It makes me feel like I'm getting stupid. It really worries me my brain function is getting deteriorated.

But my therapist said that there's nothing wrong with my brain.
It just because my mind is too occupied by how other people think of me, so I just don't pay attention to other things.

That made me relieved.

Hope it gets you feel in the same way too.