Coming a Long Way to Home


I came a long way, a long way from happiness
Why can't I be happy?
Is it me who is stopping ME from being happy?
Or is it a reality to be: depressed, lonely, sad and unfeeling?
So many people say life is what you make it
I guess that is true BUT why is it that its so easy to say than done?
Why do I depend on others to achieve happiness?
What causes me to feel this way?
Why am I confused?
Why is everything clear to me as I am writing this?
I am supposed to go right but subconciously go left to search for an empty space that I am missing.
What am I missing?
Love, sex, feeling of relevance?
Or something that is divinely meant to be?
When will that divinely meant to be come?
Living in the real world is hard enough but dealing with these aftermath of taunting verbal abuse from peers throughout the years is much more difficult to turn off.
When I look in the mirror, I see a depressed, sad, lonely and ulgy teen girl longing for what everyone else seems to have: friends to hang out with and to call them all the time, alot of guys all over me, the best designer clothes, the best outgoing personality.
No matter how successful I get, No matter how much money I make, If I ever find true love, If I am ever happy, in the end, I will always see myself as the sad, lonely, and ulgy teenage girl so desperate to come out.
That is a very heartfelt poem Phylicia. It lets many people know that life should not be just passed by. it should be lived, because some people, like us, cant live it the way we want to. keep up the writing.