Color Personality Quiz


Well-known member
Your Existing Situation
"Outgoing but unpredictable and unstable. Likes things to go his way, otherwise he becomes agitated, indecisive, and fake in his activities."

I do agree with this, sigh, I am a control freak.

Your Stress Sources
"Wishes for freedom and independence, free from limitations and restrictions except for the ones he choices to give himself."

Again agreed

Your Restrained Characteristics

"Tries to participate and involve himself in things going on around him; however, avoids conflict and arguments to reduce stress and tension."

100% agree, I do try, but I do try ruffle and feathers

Giving more than he is getting back and feels misunderstood and unappreciated. Feels he is being forced into compromising and even his close relationships leave him feeling emotional distant.

Aye, true again :(

Giving more than he is getting back and feels misunderstood and unappreciated. Feels he is being forced into compromising and even his close relationships leave him feeling emotional distant.

Conceited and is easily insulted. Holds back emotionally but is able to find satisfaction through sexual activity.

Ouch! Again true, I'm afraid :/

Your Desired Objective
"Has a strong desire to contribute and influence others, but it can make him restless. He is driven by his desires and hopes. Enjoys a wide range of activities, but he may spread himself to thin taking on too much."

This thing is a psychic! :eek:

Your Actual Problem
"Feeling held back and restricted from moving forward, looking for a solution that will give him more freedom and less obstacles."

Scarily true.

Overall it is pretty much bang on for me, chance or actual science? I'm not sure, but the verdicts, I feel are true.


Well-known member
Very accurate/95%:

Your Existing Situation
Works well with others. Needs personal relationships which are understanding and relatively conflict-free.

Your Stress Sources
"Not a team player and is unwilling to be involved in most activities. In the past he was over involved and now emotionally drained. Due to his fear of over involvement, he now chooses to remain uninvolved with the activities around him. "

Your Restrained Characteristics
Feels unhappy and isolated because he is unable to succeed in finding the cooperation and understanding he desires. "Insists his hopes and ideas are realistic and achievable, but needs encouragement and support. His self-centeredness can cause him to take things too personally."Is satisfied and finds contentment through sexual activity.

Your Desired Objective
"Feels that nothing can upset him or phase him and is constantly trying to prove that to himself and others. Believes he is better than any weakness. As a result of his beliefs, he comes across as harsh or severe to those around him, with an overbearing and arrogant attitude."

Your Actual Problem
Afraid he will not be able to achieve the things he wants and demands others recognize and acknowledge this right to them.


Well-known member
Your Existing Situation
"Insecure with himself, needs stable roots and emotional security. Seeking an environment which provides comfort and few problems."

That's fairly true

Your Stress Sources
"Extremely troubled by what appears to be a hostile environment; feels he is being forced and pressured into doing things he is not interested in. Resents the extra demands that are being put on him, but feels powerless to control or change the situation. Feels unable to protect himself from the environment around him."

Very true

Your Restrained Characteristics

"Struggles to make his demands clear, but feels ignored. Feels resentful, but acts as if he doesn't care, doing what is necessary to keep peace."

His arrogance causes him to take offense quickly. Only those closest to him know deep down he is sensitive and sentimental.

Applies tough standards to his potential partner and demands an unrealistic perfection in his sex life.

All very true except for the sex. I put all the standards onto myself and it terrifies me

Your Desired Objective
Feels as if his hopes and dreams have been unfairly stomped on by others. Irritated and upset with his current situation which he feels is an insult to his true desires.

Not very true

Your Actual Problem
Has high standards of himself and feels he cannot reach those standards nor is he able to prove himself to others which is bringing him undo stress and tension. Attempts to escape from his own demands with a defensive attitude where he refuses to show any type of commitment or involvement.

This seems fairly true
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Well-known member
This was freekishly dead on accurate. Wow. Now I'm even MORE impatient for the future after reading this.

Your Existing Situation
"Craves change and new things, always looking for new adventures and activities. Becomes restless and frustrated when she has to wait to long for things to develop. her impatience leads to irritability and a desire to move on to the next project."

Your Stress Sources
"His current situation or relationship is not up to par, but cannot improve it without help. Hides her vulnerability by holding back affection or being overly expressive. The relationship may be depressing, but the fear of losing too much keeps her around. she wants to be independent and free, but fears the future will be just as disappointing. her situation leaves her sensitive and impatience, seeking a quick escape. her restlessness may destroy the ability to concentrate."

Your Restrained Characteristics

"Tries to participate and involve herself in things going on around him; however, avoids conflict and arguments to reduce stress and tension."

"Although she is able to find contentment through sexual activity, she feels hopeless to change her problems and difficulties and continues to make the best of what she has."

"Seeking to broaden her horizons and believes her hopes and dreams are realistic. Worries she may not be able to do the things she wants and needs to escape to a peaceful, quiet environment in order to restore her confidence."

Your Desired Objective
Seeks to be known for something she has accomplished and uses her social abilities to win people over. Emotional and sensitive and romantic.

Your Actual Problem
Longs the freedom to make her own decisions and plans without the criticism and restrictions of others. Uses her charm to deal with others and get what she wants.

Your Actual Problem #2
"Feeling anxious and restless frustration toward current situation or unfulfilled emotional requirements are causing stress. Tries to escape into a fantasy-type environment full of sympathy, understanding, and artistic beauty."


Well-known member
Kind of a silly quiz, IMO. About half of them I'd say were pretty or at least relatively true, others were just totally off.