Clothes and Footwear


New member
I have searched and searched looking for clothes (tops mainly) and footwear that help hide the sweat! Has anyone found anything that actually works?

I had ETS 14 years ago for palmar hyperhydrosis, and of course I now have terrible CS. I have always had Plantar hyperhidrosis, which has got worse since the surgery and most of the CS is across my back, making it hard to hide.

I work in a school and have tattoos that I need to cover, so I'm having to wear long sleeves and long skirts/trousers which is really making the CS very hard to hide in this weather.

I'm in the UK which I think makes it harder as everything I've found so far is in the US. Has anyone got any suggestions? Any help would be very greatly appreciated!


Well-known member
I wear cycling shorts under my work trousers and a tshirt under my shirt.I find layering does help,although,you could argue it makes you doesn't seem to show through if I do this x


Well-known member
Black clothes and sweaters can help hide the sweat. Some people mentioned talcum powder (aka baby powder) that can absorb the sweat to a certain extent.