Changing anxiety?


Well-known member
It's really odd - recently i've come to the realisation that my anxiety has completely changed form. For example, the stuff that used to make me anxious is now no problem, but some things i used to be okay with are now out of the question, anxiety-wise.

I realised this when i was out with my friends about a month ago. We went for lunch, which is quite a big deal for me, because i hate going to restaurants. I felt very anxious before i went out, and when i was with my friends, i felt a low level of anxiety the whole time. When we'd finished, my mates went to get a bus home, but i decided to stay in the city centre for a little while longer. Which is when i realised - as soon as my friends had gone, i felt fine. When i was just out shopping by myself, i felt okay.

It used to be the other way around. I kind of felt "safe" when i was with a group of friends i trusted, but when i was by myself in a public place i felt very anxious - scared of crowds (crowds of kids my age especially), and generally just awkward. But now it's gone to the other extreme - wherever i am, so long as i'm by myself i feel okay.

I suppose this is good - i'm more independant, not always clinging to my best friends wherever i go. But, now my anxiety's changed, it's like i just have fear of talking to and spending time with people. *sighs* I better prepare myself for a pretty fucking lonely existance, huh?


Well-known member
I used to hate phoning places up, but the weird thing is i kind of feel safer phoning rather than facing the person, probably because the other person can't see me looking anxious.