

Well-known member
This evening, I went out with some people from a committee I am am on at work (we all work at different locations, so we only see each other at our monthly meetings). I didn't talk much, but I was really excited to go, had a great time, and was remarkably comfortable. Some of the people I work directly with have suggested we get together sometime soon, and I think it could be a lot of fun. Normally, this type of thing would make me extremely anxious. Hopefully this is a good sign. :)


Pirate from the North Pole
It's always nice when you find a group of people you feel comfortable enough with to actually enjoy hanging out with them. As Bluedays said, surf the wave, don't overthink and keep us updated :)


Well-known member
So, I went out with some people from school last week too. There was an official school-sponsored get-together (I am finishing up a master's program in a few months). After that, some people went to an arcade. I think they invited pretty much everyone, but they did specifically ask me (I was sitting at their table, so maybe they felt obligated?). Anyway, I went, and had fun, and a few of the other girls said they were glad I came.

I also went out for ice cream with some people from my other job, and it was a pretty good time, but I brought my son and boyfriend, who were probably bored out of their minds (but were good sports), which may have affected my ability to enjoy myself.

We are planning an end of summer celebration for my main job (the location I work at), and I think it will be a really good time. I enjoy almost everyone's company, and the only exceptions are people I typically don't work with, so I just don't know them very well.

So far, this going out thing is working for me. :) I think one thing that helps is that these are brief encounters (a couple of hours, tops), so I don't get burnt out and anxious wanting to leave, but not wanting to be the first to leave, you know?