CBT Treatment?


Well-known member
So I'm trying this out on Thursday, I don't know what they do, I'd like to know, that's where you guys come in :D

johnny 85

Well-known member
i started an anxiety management class this morning, its more or less CBT. it goes on for 8 weeks. all we did this morning was identify the symtoms, what causes it, when we experience anxiety etc, then for the last 15 mins we done relaxation (meditation). we were given a folder when we were leavin and we have to do a few tasks at home. are u doing it in a group ???


i went to an anxiety management course. it was in a group aswell, and like johnny sais the last 15 minutes of it was meditation, i found it really helpful and felt so relaxed after it. when the course had finished though i found that there wasnt a next course after that.
i was advised though to buy one of those voice recorder things, and play the meditation recording back when ever i felt the need to.
theres lots of really great self hypnosis videos on utube, or you can download them from torrent sites


Well-known member
I've had CBT 5 years and hey it works a little! ::p:

They taught me how to challenge my negative thoughts into positive ones. We also did meditation types things and they gave me loads of sheets on social anxiety which i never bothered to read but should have done lol.

It's interesting though, i like the way they challenge your negative thoughts.

Good luck, hope you find it usefull!


Well-known member
Thanks you all, that is very helpful, tomorrow at 11:30 I found out what exactly is going on. I don't know if it's a group, I don't care either way, I was told there would be lots of homework too. I hope all your treatment is going great too, I'll keep this updated for those who care lol
Thanks you all, that is very helpful, tomorrow at 11:30 I found out what exactly is going on. I don't know if it's a group, I don't care either way, I was told there would be lots of homework too. I hope all your treatment is going great too, I'll keep this updated for those who care lol

I care.. :)


Well-known member
I messed up ya'll! I was late to my appointment but I start next thursday she basically just went over what was going on with the whole CBT thing and I start next week.


The goal of CBT is two parts. Part one (cognitive) is to recognize cognitive distortions, correct them by attempting to validate them(if its a cognitive distortion, the validation always fails), then make a more balanced thought. The person with anxiety or depression usually only sees the negative possible outcome or reason for a situation, when in fact there are usually neutral and positive explanations as well.

The second part (behavioral) is exposure therapy, controlled exposure to anxiety provoking situations. Since the human body CANNOT maintain a constant level of high anxiety, the person in the anxiety provoking situation has his or her anxiety levels drop. Even a slight drop 10-20% is good. The exposure is continued till the patient either reaches a significant drop in anxiety in that situation or when the anxiety has ceased all together.

During exposures, the patient uses the cognitive strategies to help battle their anxious thoughts they are experiencing in the exposure setting.