Can't stop fantasising about other women.

When I see a fine girl walking down the street or in a store, every part of me just wishes I had some sort of female skills... even just a tiny bit.... something... anything! argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Are you serious? The one thing i found strange is "if their bum is too big"... There's a lot of other things to pick on, but that... seriously?

Ya it's called being a guy. Ever since i turned 16 i can't help but looking at them to the point where it hurts


Well-known member
Stressball said:
Well, I don't think its weird, you sound like your average male to me...nothing to worry about. I'm a chick and I can't stop fantasizing about random guys I see in public, especially my cousin's best friend who is a model and I fantasize about him regularly. :oops: Then sometimes when I just go to a shopping centre, now that I can finally go into public places without feeling like I'm having a heart attack...I'm just a pervert and keep staring at guys I think are attractive and thinking dirty things. And staring at their crotches or chests. I just feel embarassed soo much sometimes. Like I can't openly say that stuff or obviously people are going to think I'm a slut, at least for guys its accepted pretty much.

So if I go up to a chick and say "I like that wagon your draggin'" or "nice rack", you think that'll be accepted :p

Kidding of course.


Len, you asked if us girls notice guys looking at us. Hell yeah. Even when you guys think you're being subtle you're really not. I know it's suppose to be normal for guys to gawk but I've got to say that when it's done to me I want to run in the opposite direction. I feel so self-conscious. Guys I've known tell me to take it as a compliment but I just can't. Being stared at makes me feel invisible.

My bro is the only guy who has told me it isn't a compliment. He said that if a guy stares it's because he wants to f%#* me, nothing else. He said the guy isn't showing respect for me and isn't interested in knowing me as a person.


Well-known member
Sure that is what it means, but isn't that a compliment in itself? girls seem to like being called pretty, that's just an implicit way of doing so...


Sure that is what it means, but isn't that a compliment in itself? girls seem to like being called pretty, that's just an implicit way of doing so...

Yes, many girls do like to be noticed for their looks. Maybe even most. I know I'm different that way. I prefer to be noticed for my brain; it's a hundred times better than my looks.