Can't relate to people my own age.


New member
I used to think that I had SA, but I now realise that I just can't relate to people my own age. I'm 19 but I feel more like a 13 year old.

Don't even know why I'm posting this. Just a rant really. Feel free to ignore.


Well-known member
Hey never apologise for a good rant! It's good to get stuff out. I think alot of us have this problem too. Both in terms of relating to our peers and feeling younger than we are. I guess it's just down to experience. I'm 27 and still find the word 'poo' funny :oops:

Better than feeling old though I reckon 8)


Well-known member
I get on better with people older than me like people over 35 to 40, iam 23 and i still only feel about 18 or 19 but then i think to myself what should being 23 feel like i dont realy know :? when i see people on tv who are 23 i see them as older than me but i forget iam the same age if you get what i mean.


Well-known member
I used to think that I had SA, but I now realise that I just can't relate to people my own age. I'm 19 but I feel more like a 13 year old.

Don't even know why I'm posting this. Just a rant really. Feel free to ignore.

Honestly, I love rants. Rants rule, it feels so cathartic to put this down in text for some reason and until we can find a better release, rant on! :p

I also feel out of touch with my age range. What is it now? I guess I still get lumped in with the whole 18-25 box. Sometimes I feel older and more comfy around older people who have interesting things to say, other times I want to make fart noises using my armpits.

Toilet humour is the best. :D

I did a 'how old do you act' quiz and got 16. I'm 22 and very mature dammit! *buRp*

the quiz is here if you're interested


Well-known member
I want to, but I didn't say I could. Some kid made an ass outta me by doing some great armpit farts when I challenged him to a farting duel.



I use to think that the reason I couldn't relate to anyone was because of other people and their faults.

Now that I know I have SA, I understand why I can't relate to others.

thanks to all those who post their thoughts on here.


Well-known member
I don't think there is anything wrong... Terrance.... everyone acts different age levels. I act different age levels all during the day, depending on who I am talking to. The more depressed I am the older I sound.

I relate to some kids my age... and not to others. It has nothing to do with who I can talk to and who I can't. I find some of the immature things that kids my age do to be the funniest things in the world. But there are other ridiculous things they do that I don't find to be funny at all.


Well-known member
Yeah, i´m like that as well. It´s quite often that i feel insecure with people more or less my age. I feel much better when around children, or old men/women(prefer men though, old women dont interest me).
And thats so lame, how am i supposed to make friends/girlfriends when i feel like that?


Well-known member
I can't really relate to people my age. Most of them are assholes, though I guess it doesn't matter how old people are, they will still be assholes their entire lives.
I can't really relate to anyone though. I have come to the conclusion that I am the only normal one, and everyone else in the world has problems, which is why it only appears that I am the one with problems to everyone else. :)

I got 23 on that quiz. I'm really 16.

POO! :lol:


Well-known member
Yea i'm like a lot of people here.I don't relate to people my own age or for that matter any age.There's just something in my brain that's wired wrong.I goes that's why I will be lonely with no friends for the rest of my life.


Well-known member
The more depressed I am the older I sound.

Wow Carina33,

I can soo totally relate to this. I do the same thing. the more depressed I get the philosophical and sort of introverted I become. It really irritates me when I start acting that way but that's when I tend to write and become creative so it's kind of a double edged sword. But it's like it just happens and there's no go back when it does.


last2no said:
I use to think that the reason I couldn't relate to anyone was because of other people and their faults.

Now that I know I have SA, I understand why I can't relate to others.

thanks to all those who post their thoughts on here.
I used to feel the same way; that others were at fault when I couldn't seem to get along with people in the past. I never thought that perhaps it was something on my end as to why I couldn't cope with others properly. Now that I am more educated in the area of SA / SP it makes a lot more sense to me now too. 8)