I do this most of the time.
The night before, I'd always tell myself everything would be okay. I'd wake up very early on the day itself just to prepare. But at the very last minute I'd chicken out and text the person I'm supposed to meet that I didn't feel well, or that I was too tired. And I'd feel terrible afterwards.
It's come to the point where friends asking me out has become a rare occurrence. But there are one or two who still do try to ask me out once in a while, and for that I'm really grateful.
The night before, I'd always tell myself everything would be okay. I'd wake up very early on the day itself just to prepare. But at the very last minute I'd chicken out and text the person I'm supposed to meet that I didn't feel well, or that I was too tired. And I'd feel terrible afterwards.
It's come to the point where friends asking me out has become a rare occurrence. But there are one or two who still do try to ask me out once in a while, and for that I'm really grateful.