Canceling plans last minute


I do this most of the time.
The night before, I'd always tell myself everything would be okay. I'd wake up very early on the day itself just to prepare. But at the very last minute I'd chicken out and text the person I'm supposed to meet that I didn't feel well, or that I was too tired. And I'd feel terrible afterwards.

It's come to the point where friends asking me out has become a rare occurrence. But there are one or two who still do try to ask me out once in a while, and for that I'm really grateful.


Well-known member
Yes. I used to do this all the time few years ago - back then i had "some" friends who would call me and invite me out or to a party. I told them that I will come, but i always canceled on last minute. It felt bad, but I was like "what the hell, atleast i have free evening and i can play video games".


Now, 2-3 years later, nobody ever calls me and if so, i dont pick up. I dont promise anything anymore, becouse i know i am not going anywhere. It gotten really worse - just alone all the time, no friends, no girlfriend, hardly any family. I only leave my house when i absolutely have to.


Please, if you are at the "first phase" (when there is someone who actually ask you out), do yourself a favor and go. It might not be a pleasant experience, but it will certainly help you to atleast keep you in touch with friends. You dont want to end up like me.


New member
Yeah... i used to always do that! I always felt to guilty and bad afterwards. But now i just dont orginaize things altogether, theres no point, i wont go. At least that way you dont have to think of exuses all the time.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
or my favorite one to use, "uhmm, yeah, sorry, but I got somethin i gotta do..."

"I'm, urm, busy on that day."

"But we didn't say what day it was going to be."

"Well what day is it?"


"I'm, urm, busy on that day."


I can't even be bothered to come up with lame excuses these days. I just say no thanks, and leave it at that. I used to agree to go, and then do the last minute cancel thing, but like others have said that just becomes more and more stressful the nearer the time comes, and you know you're going to back out even while you're telling yourself that you might go, so why delay the pain?


Well-known member
No on invites me places, so I don't really have to worry about excuses. If someone does, I just say, "Maybe, I don't know." Not like they really wanted me there in the first place.