can ocd be beaten without medication at all????


New member
Hello everyone...
I have been through an allmost unbearable time lately. Despair has taken me, and im barely functioning. I wanna start taking the medication again, but am recommended to wait until my CBT is over (which is, until now, not helping one bit). I know that technically it is supposed to be possible to beat this without medication, but no matter how much I look on the web, I can't seem to find people who have actually beaten a severe ocd without medication and are living a normal life today?
Do you personally know someone or have heard of someone from a reliable source, that has beaten this without medications?


Well-known member
The only way you're to beat OCD is without medication. Meds are only there to help your cause, but what it ALWAYS comes down to is mental discipline. The meds are not some sort of magic pill that will cure you over night. That's why it is universally accepted that the "cure" for OCD is a combo of therapy and medication. You must learn how to tell apart real thoughts from intrusive thoughts, and how to not acknowledge them. etc.

However, I don't understand people with OCD who are opposed to taking medication. OCD is caused by a chemical imbalance in your brain, and the meds will simply give you the neurotransmitter you are lacking. It's been about 3 months now for me on Prozac and I feel great. It is definitely helping me put a more positive spin on life. For a while I had bad side effects, but the longer you stick with it the more stabilized your brain gets. Just my two cents.


Well-known member
if you don't want any meds you can cure ocd yourself, but it takes a lot of mental powr on your half.
ocd is a tricky one indeed.

fun fact 5% of everyone on anafril apparently has unintentional orgasms when they yawn.


Well-known member
I was on zoloft but I don't think that's what helped me overcome OCD. My therapist tried for a long time to convince me to slowly drop some compulsions and I did. Every week I would drop a group of compulsions, for example one week I would drop everything related to computers, than the week after everything related to lights, etc...

After a couple of weeks I was so happy that I was getting better and in the same time nothing terrible happened as I was afraid, I just decided to stop every compulsions and since then I've only had small relapses that have only lasted a few days.

I hope you can do the same, I know how scary it can be but in the end you will have won a major victory that will really improve your quality of life!