can i get my thread RACE REJECTION open?

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Well-known member
Well you could post your answers here, those to whom they are directed certainly will remember your previous thread.

Here is my view of the matter by the way:

Racism is the belief in the superiority of one ethnic group (usually one's own) over the others. The great majority of people are not racist in this sense, and I am sure Australia is no different. On the other hand most people, including ourselves most likely, tend to judge quickly, at first sight, and make wide use of stereotypes. If you feel you are being rejected because of your ethnic group it is probably because right now, where you leave, the prevailing stereotype about asians is not a very positive one. There may be many reasons, but it is a fact, and not much can be done about it. In time things will get better, it takes a while for cultures to melt but it usually happens in the long run.

As you see, I can't give you any simple advice, it might be easier to give up and stick with your asian community. That's what I would do anyway. But it might not be as bad, I am in a very bad mood at the moment and prone to negativity :)

Good luck anyway


Well-known member
I remember your thread sux, i know exactly what you mean. Ive been to aus a few times and experinced quite a bit of racial abuse, not only directed at me but even on the radio! Dunno why the last topic was locked, censoring the issue of racism doesnt make it go away and you should be able to make your voice heard on the issue.


Well-known member
socratic said:
I remember your thread sux, i know exactly what you mean. Ive been to aus a few times and experinced quite a bit of racial abuse, not only directed at me but even on the radio! Dunno why the last topic was locked, censoring racism doesnt make it go away.

I agree, censorship doesn't make problems going away. Sometimes to deal with sensitive problems like racism is to talk openly about them in order to bring understanding about each others perspectives.

Is racism really a big issue in Australia? It seems there is a mixed view on the matter coming from people who live there. Sorry, I am ignorant on the matter since, I haven't read much about the country, I haven't visited there, and I do not know many people from australia. I think the prior poster made some good points, unfortunately we people (including myself sometimes) have a tendancy to react to our stereotypes whether they may be incorrect or correct stereotypes. But, I believe a way to deal with racism and not to be a racist ourselves is to avoid processing information superficially (whenever and as much as possible) and approach and respect people individually.
As far as feeling more comfortable in our own groups. Yes, I agree, me too. I do not think that is a long term solution toward ending racism though.


Well-known member
Would I be banned if I cut and pasted everything from the RaceRejection thread? 8O hehe.. I guess I shouldn't risk it.. I leave it up to the mods to lock or unlock it.

*Well, Remus did say we were cut off until the mods took a look at the thread :? , but, eventhough there was temporary suppression of what might be considered objectional postings, ultimately, I think it is perfectly reasonable to do so until there were mods available to make sure things didn't get out of control, disrespectful or abusive. Thanks for clearing that up Chilling or is it Ms. Echo? :D


Well-known member
don't be so quick to assume. it wasn't locked out of censorship. a topic such as racial discrimination can get out of hand extremely fast, especially on a board of such diversity and sensitive people to begin with. as of late, we (mods) haven't been on as often as we usually are and the last thing we want to come back to is a brawl in the forum.


Well-known member
testobot said:
Is racism really a big issue in Australia? It seems there is a mixed view on the matter coming from people who live there.

Racism was a big issue just recently with beach riots , which was between white surfies and leb gangs. I guess terrorism was used as an excuse by some surfies and white extremists to express their long seated racism against muslims? Its calmed down though. IN a decent place you wouldnt' experience racism. But then i could be wrong with the limited experience i have in society. Im relatively cocooned.

Okay, if ur in school u can get racist bullies, but it depends on the people.
ITs jsut very multicultural in Australia. ITs weird. You get segregated areas and areas where its all mixed. So its all varied. Its possible to get racism at work, but in my opinion that's just old. If they are decent individuals and well educated (well not that it guarantees anything) u are unlikely to get the racist degree from them.

racism is very looked down upon, especially in teh media. btu that doesnt' stop it from happening. It gets condemned.

lol can someone else from Australia, explain it more decently?
the more i think abotu teh more confused i am.
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