Can ecstasy and antidepresents cause damage?


I Tried Trip2night for the first time last night around 9:30 pm. I started to feel effects around 11pm, effects lasted around 5 hours or more. Some of the effects were energy, dizziness, strong buzz like effects, euphoric feelings, happy, silly, and energy to dance all night long. The product made me horny, although that usually doesn’t take much.

I bought the product from The product came in a powder form with directions to add 1 scoop to fruit juice. I still have a lot left over for next week. For the amount I took; I think I will get around 9 servings out of one pack; although it says 20 servings on the directions.

Lol, that is so wrong in so many ways...

" Don't wanna go through the hassle of buying illegal substances behind the alley from a dirty old hobo? O N E W O R D ~ ! TRIP2NIGHT, ITS LEGAL AND IT WILL MAKE YOU

a silly goose... "


New member
I’ve been a long time user and fan of MDMA, but I don’t like the negative side effects and health problems that are associated with it; so I was in route for a legal healthier alternative. I tried a lot of legal products on the market, but it was all hype. The closest thing on the market is a product called, Trip2Nightthat can give you similar euphoric effects and lasts around 5 to 6 hours.

Trip2Night - Buy Natural Herbal MDMA & Ecstasy Alternatives


Well-known member
Ecstasy definitely does cause damage. That's why so many people who use ecstasy end up with serious depression & anxiety problems. The drug depleted their brains of serotonin to the point that it eventually stopped making it. Anti-depressants themselves are not dangerous as long as the person needs them & they are prescribed by a qualified doctor & taken as directed, but taking anti-depressants while taking ecstasy is counterproductive.


could someone help me order on narcomundo...please. I am from Romania :)


Well-known member
adding on to what lyricalliaisons said, rolling on X while your on antidepressants is like pissing in the wind. Sure you will feel good while you are on the X but that night of good feeling isnt worth the next few days of feeling depressed isnt worth it. THat being said you could probably do it and be safe because i did it like two weeks ago. i felt like ass mentally and physically the next few days


Well-known member
Chances are if you're depressed you're already damaged so I don't really see what the big risk is.

That's quite a pessimistic manner of seeing things. I see what you're saying though, but it will fu-ck you up even worse in the long run.
To be concise; drugs are bad, M'kay??