Can anyone relate? Is this OCD?


New member
Ugly shapes are often triggered in my mind by thoughts. I see thoughts as a kind of diagram. To be fine with the the thought and leave it alone I have to resolve it mentally into a pleasant shape/form - pleasant shapes are usually square-ish, balanced, clean-lined. With really ugly images I can black out the picture and start again.

Usually things I own in my external environment that annoy me can be covered-up, altered or removed, but lately the colour shading on my dog's coat has really bothered. Of course I love her and would never be rid of her, but looking at her coat really stresses me out. She's a black and tan rottweiler - either mixed with something else or just a smaller rottweiler. The way the tan parts aren't PERFECTLY straight-lined against the black stresses me. I don't imagine this "imperfection" is any more the case than with other black and tan dogs -- or other mixed colour dogs for that matter. Also, the uneven crinkly parts of her ears bother me. My mind likes symmetry, straight lines, clean lines. I hate messy transitions between colours.

It's like I want to see the "platonic form" of the object/thing rather than the actual imperfect real life thing.

Can anyone relate to this? Any idea what this is called? How can I just see things "normally"?


Well-known member
I can relate in some ways, however my issues with wanting things perfect don't seem to be as severe as yours are but I can relate.
I think you should try to see the good in imperfection (as strange as thay may sound) I mean sometimes perfect can be boring you know?


Well-known member
It's OCD and the anxiety that comes from it afterwards I had something similar, I am on pills to slow my brain down so that I more or less don't think about it anymore, but it's for sure that (assuming that it isn't one of the million other possibilities as no one can ever for sure know exactly what's going on in someone else's head), I wish you luck if you need to talk about it, feel free to message me


New member
I appreciate your both taking time to reply. Beauty in imperfection? Hard! Beauty in random imperfection? Much harder! Regarding medication, hmmm. I have a big resistance to any type of medication for my mental state.



It's OCD all right. It's just about different things with different OCD-sufferers.

I have by no means been cured from OCD but I have gotten over a large amount of OCD-issues (yes, new ones keep creeping in) so I would suggest you try to battle agains the thing you are now having.

The thing is to try to isolate the horrible feeling you get from the thing you are obsessing. And try to deal with the feeling without the obsession. Easily said than done, I know and as I am now currently battling one OCd-battle myself, I not really a good one to give advices :D

Try to think about the horrible feeling you have and tell yourself it's OCD, it's not you. Perhaps try to stroke your dog gently when you start obsessing about her/his colors. So that you do things because you want to do them regardless of what your OCD tells you to.