

Well-known member
I'll be gone probably permenantly (who knows what permenant is really). I'm getting nothing out of this and I am not helping anyone. I said the other day the only reason I stick around is to try to help, even though it costs me alot of trouble...but it just doesn't work.

No one gives a shit what I say and if they do it's something so small that it isn't even worth risking my life over. Every time I stick around I risk killing myself even more.

I'm the guy who you see in the corner of a room curled up and crying all day..or laying my bed thinking of ways to die. I still try to help others even though I can't help myself..I'm seriously done now.

I'm cutting away from every other place I have ever been to. I never knew how alone I was in this stupid planet until today.

Everyone, including those who don't like me have a final chance to speak their mind..because this is the last time you'll ever hear from me again. I'm really through with trying to explain myself to others and trying to get anyone to figure out that I am ONLY HERE because half of me is crossing over between another reality. I can't control this part, but I am surely dead..if no one gets that this final time then fuck you.

At 22:00 GMT I will be gone. Say what you want, insult what you want, do wahtever you want..last chance people


Active member
This isn't the way you're going to find love and comfort. You can't force people to feel for you, and take care of you.

Maybe you'd stop shutting people out of your life, they could be there to help you. I tried, but you stopped talking to me with no warning and just disappeared. I still want to be there for you.


Well-known member
I never really agreed with many of your opinions, but i still thought they were ones worth making, that added a different point of view to the situation..and life would be boring if there wasnt someone to contrast personal opinion.
If you have to go, then we can't stop you, because its your choice. If this place is making you worse, then really your best option is to leave.
Maybe it stupid, maybe its cliched, but i hope things get better for you,that maybe you can sort these things out. I hope you do.
Good luck. I'll miss your posts.


Well-known member
I'm not getting better. I'm leaving to not only save others from my FULL OF SHIT comments but to save myself anymore harm.

Face it, while you guys have social phobia you have a higher chance to get better. I'm done and I have reached the point of no return.

I will rip out my spine to have just social phobia and depression..but ohh nooo I have to have everything else too. For all those people who are in a bad way, get help before it's too late..don't end up like me.

If you don't manage your problems they will eat you alive until you get to where I am now. And yes, I believe I am pretty much worse off than anyone on this forum. You know why? I'm not going to give you the answer.. good luck and hope others don't end up like me. Ir eally do.


Well-known member
MadCat said:
I'm not getting better. I'm leaving to not only save others from my FULL OF SHIT comments but to save myself anymore harm.
Madcat i have never found your posts full of shit, you always have a valid point of view on things and a good one at that, you are a very clever person from what i can tell from your writing on here and your online blog thing. I dont think its over for you yet, you are still young and there is plenty of time to get better maybe just not in the time that you want. but like someone said you need to open up to people just that little bit more and i know thats not easy.

What ever you do i wish you all the best and i truley mean that.


Well-known member
I know you probably hate me now, but it would be nice if you did stick around. I enjoy reading your insights to problems, and I respect the time you put into them and the pain it causes you. It is difficult to put into words your troubles because you are forced to re-live them...leaving is your choice, and if you feel it will benifit you then so be it. If you decide to go, you will be missed, and good luck in the future.


Active member
If anyone knows MadCat in real life, or knows anyone who does, please contact him or someone he knows, because he just told me on MSN he might kill himself. And did the whole "goodbye" thing. What can we do in this situation?


Well-known member
MadCat, if you just want to leave then that is maybe the best choice if you feel like the site is hurting you. I know it can be difficult when other people seem to have it better than you, I've felt that way myself. I still do. But if you're planning on killing yourself, please think again.
I've wanted to kill myself a lot because I think I'll never get any better than I am. The thing that's stopped me is that I know that I will never have a chance to get better if I do kill myself. I also know that there's not a great deal of me getting much better, and I think that maybe it's not worth bothering if the chance is too small, and that the world is so twisted, it wants me to think that there's a bit of hope so it can keep on abusing me and torturing me with all this crap. I don't know how to feel, myself. All I know is, there's a chance that things can change. Please don't throw that away. Even if things never change, at least you stuck it out and made sure that you didn't throw away what could have been. Please don't rob yourself of that :(


Active member
MadCat said:
I'm not getting better. I'm leaving to not only save others from my FULL OF SHIT comments but to save myself anymore harm.

MadCat, I honestly feel you're smart enough and you think through things enough for there to be little I can say of benefit here. I will say that your comments have not been full of sh*t, you always have some unique insight in your replies, although I'm sorry if part of the reason for that insight is from the tough things & pain you're dealing with.

I'm only a newbie, but I know I and many others will miss you on here. If you feel leaving will save yourself from harm, them I'm never going to stand in the way of that. If you ever feel the reverse, I'm sure we'd like to hear from you. I wish you well, I really hope things get better for you. In the meantime, please, please don't do anything to harm yourself, ever.

Good luck.



Well-known member
Mikey said:
If anyone knows MadCat in real life, or knows anyone who does, please contact him or someone he knows, because he just told me on MSN he might kill himself. And did the whole "goodbye" thing. What can we do in this situation?

Good question Mikey "What can we do in this situation?"

This is quite upsetting to know that MadCat is seriously thinking of killing himself. Do the moderators of the group have more details about his whereabouts etc.?

Like Mikey said if anyone knows him, try and contact him or his family or friends.

This is SO upsetting that someone is out there in pain and thinking of ending their life.

If you are reading this MadCat and all the other posts, see how people support you and care about you :)
If you feel you need to leave this forum for your own sanity, so be it, but don't hurt yourself.
