By the year 2030 the slum population will increase?


Well-known member
Has anyone ever read these statistics before? I found it researching about Indian Slums and tried to discuss this topic with others. There were mixed views, but the view that " poor people need to fix it themselves" is not one I agree with. Some slums are heavily populated, but there are poor people in the world that do not live in slums. In the USA the 1 Billion dollars spent on Christmas decorations was enough to help homeless people in America. I thought it would be interesting to share, because it made me think about things even more. Any thoughts?

Two Billion Slum Dwellers -

INFOGRAPHIC: We Could End Homelessness With The Money Americans Spend On Christmas Decorations | ThinkProgress


Well-known member
I think governments should spend more money developing rural areas so that people can move out of slums. Many cities are already overcrowded.


Well-known member
I'm sorry but the words poor people need to fix it themself

True story .. in south America somewhere can't remember the country the president nationalized the water so everyone poor or rich was given clean fresh water (I don't know where you life but I get ads on tv asking Di something give today to give this village clean water) and guess what happened this country needed a loan so off they go cup in hand to the world monetary fund and guess what oh so you want a loan ok but before we give you this loan you as a country must sell off your national water company and so this happens and guess what happens next there back to drinking dirty mud water because the rich west forced then to sell it off and so again ads are on tv give money today they had water once ..... So I ask you how can the poor fix something for themselfs .. everytime a poor tried to move up one the rich bash them end off its the rich that has the power and they don't want to use it they give with one hand and take with the other looks like there doing something but there not just look at the war on terrer the cost of that wars ... Why don't they send all those armies to somewhere like africa and build homes schools hospitals water and learn people because they need jobs I got. Kicked out of school for sating that for a fee days for racism what the Hell saying the army has the power to do that stuff and more is wrong ... china needs about 20million New jobs every year you can't give jobs to every 7billion people on earth what are they doing to do? if you lost your job in the west people cry so we can't find jobs for the poor of the world as the west will have to lose there's unless you build a tv and send it over to Africa for then to take it apart and send it to china to mealt it down again and send it back to the west to build again .... do you know we could build a army not of killers but of workers to build homes schools for the poor sorry that was hitler's idea when he came to power rebuild his country il get beaten up for using that idea again ... its all about money sadly .. what about China in Africa people say they are colonials because there's a million of them there NO NO NO they are there to dug up precious materials from the earth to build stuff for the west so they can keep there jobs and so they live and work there shop keepers follow so do farmers so do the family so do more workers to build nee homes and schools for them and so one day guess what there's going be a large chinese African war ... So sadly the poor can't fix something when the rich wants to keep you in place but can we really feed house and give jobs to everyone on earth maybe we could maybe we will all be poorer maybe we will have to live in flats eat say mini live shock ie cricket smashed up to make meat but I don't see that happening soon .... do you?
aslong as capitalist societies are around the rich will get richer and the poor get poorer..a new way of thinking is needed, global goverments where equality is the focus.