By Quietguy11


Well-known member
So tonight I was at a friends and I'm not sure if it was just my imagination running wild for a minute or what but a few times I heard an audible voice say "Shawn...Shawn." It was a quiet voice kind of like a whisper, but I heard it. I wasn't surprised by it though, I found it to be pretty cool. That's not the only time I heard voices coming out of thin air. One time a friend and I were having a discussion on anime and a voice jumped out at us from between our conversation and both of us heard it. I said, "Did you just hear that?" and he responded, "Yes, what the hell was what?" I am not trying to freak anyone out but I've experienced all kinds of paranormal activity from as early as age 11 when I seen what looked to be a faintly glowing ghost standing in the upstairs hallway just outside my bedroom, to objects moving by themselves without any "known" explanation as to how they did. These paranormal experiences drove me a little crazy though... I mean, you can't see stuff like this and not re-think your view on life. It's true that I am a believer in God, the after life, angels, etc. I believe these things because the spiritual dimension is as real to me as this visible and universal reality.

Of course I still have a brain that fights against my "faith." The brain will always aim for what is logical and rational, and the chemical make up of it is wired in such a way that it will doubt things that do not pertain to its natural senses. There are also things that we can't fathom about God that makes us question if any of it is really worth banking trust and commitment toward. That is until we dismiss opposing thoughts and just learn to live by a continual flow of faith and hope.

Now I did not intend to preach anything when I started writing this thread. But I feel like it is the right thing to say at the time, and that some people may appreciate and be encouraged by it. Others may say... are you intoxicated? Truly someone who has consumed too many alcoholic beverages wouldn't be able to type as clean as you can see from this post. I just want to reassure that there is hope and salvation in Jesus Christ, and that all who put their trust in him WILL NOT be put to shame, but will be granted access into an Eternity of Life, Peace, and Everlasting Joy. Not because any of us are worthy of it but because He died for our offenses and was raised the third day for our justification.

I have suffered with severe social anxiety for almost a decade now and in the midst of it I seriously did not think there was any hope for me to overcome the anguish and torment of it all; that was until I committed myself to prayer and supplication and reasoned with the Lord for vindication. After the seventh year He instilled such peace into my heart that it was impossible to deny that it was Him. Not only did He bring me into social connectivity with people, but He has also given me a stronger power of will to pretty much see past the fear of anxiety. There will be anxiety in the world, and hearts will even faint with fear, but let it be known 100X (fold) CHRIST has overcome the world! As long as our faith and trust rests in His righteousness He will bring us through the most difficult of times!

To anyone who got anything out of this, peace be to you. If you happen to be lost in your current state of mind, realize that the body and mind need to be exercised in such a way that at first it will feel like we are detached and out of sync with the world around us. Once we start exercising the brain by feeding it information (reading, and for the body, exercising, and for the soul and spirit, Christ) it will begin to operate at a higher level of cognitive functionality.


Well-known member
I've always found the paranormal fascinating! I would personally love to study the occult one day maybe & Don't worry, I'm sure no one thinks you're crazy ^_^
Organized religion on the other hand I despise, I would usually keep a negative comment such as that to myself but I just can't help it at the moment not to say so. I do believe in a god though, and in faith so for that, thank you :)
I'm not as religious as you but basically the same beliefs. That paranormal shit perplexes me. I reckon there's things that are unexplainable but they sure do make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up don't they?


Well-known member
I've always found the paranormal fascinating! I would personally love to study the occult one day maybe & Don't worry, I'm sure no one thinks you're crazy ^_^
Organized religion on the other hand I despise, I would usually keep a negative comment such as that to myself but I just can't help it at the moment not to say so. I do believe in a god though, and in faith so for that, thank you :)

The problem with believing in "a god" is that there's no name attached to it. How do you identify your god? The God of the Jewish and Christian faith is the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, who became flesh, blood, and bones, and sacrificed His Holy Blood on a Cross so that the sin nature could be destroyed once and for all. In John 14:6 Jesus declared that He was the only way, truth, and life, and that no man can come unto the Father (God) except through Him. He is the mediator that intercedes on our behalf to the Father so that through the shedding of His sinless blood we can be justified before the eyes of the Father.

In John 3:16 we find that God loved the world so much that He gave His Son Jesus Christ to die on the Cross for our sins so that through faith in Him we may not perish even after physical death but have Eternal Life in His Name.

For the wages of sin is death... but the gift of God is Eternal Life through Christ Jesus our Lord.

Having faith in Buddha will not save you. Having faith in any of Christ's Apostles will not save you. There is only ONE Name given unto mankind by which we must be saved, and that Name is Jesus Christ.

Life is too short, and we don't even know if we will have tomorrow. Where I'm from, I am reading about deaths in the paper all the time. People as young as me are dying of heart attacks. Today is truly the day of Salvation. Today is the day to get right with Jesus before it is too late.


Well-known member
I'm not as religious as you but basically the same beliefs. That paranormal shit perplexes me. I reckon there's things that are unexplainable but they sure do make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up don't they?

I remember when I first encountered that ghost in the hallway I was terrified. But having experienced paranormal things over the course of many years I am practically immune to it. It doesn't surprise me when a voice jumps out at me or if an inanimate object moves on its own. I've seen it so many times that it humors me. But all that is unimportant. What's important is whether or not we are ready to face God on the Day of Judgment. There is only one way to be Justified from His Wrath, and that's the blood of Jesus Christ.


Well-known member
The problem with believing in "a god" is that there's no name attached to it. How do you identify your god? The God of the Jewish and Christian faith is the creator of the Heavens and the Earth, who became flesh, blood, and bones, and sacrificed His Holy Blood on a Cross so that the sin nature could be destroyed once and for all. In John 14:6 Jesus declared that He was the only way, truth, and life, and that no man can come unto the Father (God) except through Him. He is the mediator that intercedes on our behalf to the Father so that through the shedding of His sinless blood we can be justified before the eyes of the Father.

In John 3:16 we find that God loved the world so much that He gave His Son Jesus Christ to die on the Cross for our sins so that through faith in Him we may not perish even after physical death but have Eternal Life in His Name.

For the wages of sin is death... but the gift of God is Eternal Life through Christ Jesus our Lord.

Having faith in Buddha will not save you. Having faith in any of Christ's Apostles will not save you. There is only ONE Name given unto mankind by which we must be saved, and that Name is Jesus Christ.

Life is too short, and we don't even know if we will have tomorrow. Where I'm from, I am reading about deaths in the paper all the time. People as young as me are dying of heart attacks. Today is truly the day of Salvation. Today is the day to get right with Jesus before it is too late.

I hear what you are saying, I've thought of that myself and still don't know what to make of it. But growing up with the gospel and around other christians has, to be quite honest, made me sick. From my experience they are awful, and judgemental people .(again, from my experience)

And if you believe in the bible, do you also believe that man is better than woman? Or that it is okay to rape a woman as long as you pay her father and then marry her? yeah right. There is just too much wrong with "gods word" (if it is god's word) in my opinion.
And I know I could very well be wrong, because god is a higher, devine, being. But I'm already set in my beliefs and will pay for them, if that's the case, later.

I respect that you have beliefs but I have my own and I hope this isn't taken offensively or anything.
I hear what you are saying, I've thought of that myself and still don't know what to make of it. But growing up with the gospel and around other christians has, to be quite honest, made me sick. From my experience they are awful, and judgemental people .(again, from my experience)

And if you believe in the bible, do you also believe that man is better than woman? Or that it is okay to rape a woman as long as you pay her father and then marry her? yeah right. There is just too much wrong with "gods word" (if it is god's word) in my opinion.
And I know I could very well be wrong, because god is a higher, devine, being. But I'm already set in my beliefs and will pay for them, if that's the case, later.

I respect that you have beliefs but I have my own and I hope this isn't taken offensively or anything.

Tell us how you really feel, now. Don't be holdin nothin back!


Well-known member
One thing I don't do is judge people based on their personal beliefs. Namely because man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart. God judges the heart and knows what is inside the most secretive of people. There is nothing that He does not know, and His judgments will be according to Truth and Righteousness.

Also Tree, the Old Testament was declared to be a Testament on stone according to Jeremiah 31:31-34. And that the New Covenant/Testament of Jesus Christ is one that is written on the tablet of the heart of believers who have the Spirit. With Christ we are no longer under the power of the letter as Christ has fulfilled the law and the prophets. We are now under Christ, and this is what He says to those who are under his authority: "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."

A lot of people base whether or not they will bow the knee to God based on other people. They will see people who are under legalism and are judgmental and hypocritical and will think that God must be like that also. God is nothing like that, which is why He has given the New Testament of Jesus Christ. However, those who are not born of the Spirit cannot see or enter the Kingdom of God. Unless one is born of water and of the Spirit there is no understanding and apprehension of it.


Well-known member
Old testament, new testament, I don't believe in either.
The reason I'm not Christian or devout Christian isn't because of other people, It's because of personal life experience and the the beliefs I've formed from them & I don't think god is hypocritical because people are...I never thought that. I'm not afraid of dieing and going to hell either so, I'm sorry.
I know you feel the need to say these things because you really care about people and their souls but, If I'm wrong and just don't understand anything, I'll be okay that way.
Peace ? ^_^


Well-known member
What a beautiful story. Very well expressed.
You write very well. I cant say the same of me lol
I have had many various experiences with the paranormal as well.
Which included the calling of my name for a couple of months @ the age of 18.
Psychic dreams fortelling upcoming events and oncoming death.
And once christ came into a dream! and all that was said
was, You know what you have to do now its up to you to do it.
I found thiese incidents a bit creapy
yet perfectly wonderfully beautiful

Thanks for sharing and reminding me of these beautiful incidents
Last edited:


Well-known member
I do believe in what you are saying. Something similar happened to my family when I was young.
So this is what happened. When I was about 7 years or so, we went to Mexico to go visits some relatives. Fast forward a bit. It was night time and we decided to go to sleep in my parents house. The house was a bit new, but left abandon.

Sorry to jump off topic, but the place were we were at wasn't like here in the U.S. What I mean is that the surrounding is mountainous. The only way to get to my house is to go down hill. Practically where I was, was in a small village.

Back to the topic, so anyways my dad went to visit his mom, and me, my mom, sister, and one of my cousins decided to stay in the house. It was nightfall, there is no street light out side, only light or fireplaces from homes. So we decided to sleep. It was my first night at the house and we all fell asleep.

Some where along the night, I recall waking up and felt really ill. I started to throw up and went to go find my mom. I remember seeing here, she was washing clothes for some reason and told her I felt sick. She told me to go back to sleep and I did.

Apparently, when I woke up the next day, my mom told me if I felt anything or saw anything. I told here that I remembered that I threw up and felt sick. She then told me that last night she couldn't fall asleep and that she decided to wash some of our clothes. She said she was hearing someone tapping on the door and thought it was my dad. When she opened it, she felt a cold chill and a horrible smell. At first she didn't do anything, she just closed the door and went back to washing our clothes. That's when she heard my cousin scream and started to cry. My mom told her what happened and she said that she had a nightmare that some one was trying to grab her and when she woke up she saw someone staring at here at a corner. That's when my sister woke up and she started to kick the blankets and said that she apparently had the same dream.

My mom knew that something wasn't right and told my cousin and sister to wait while she went to go tell the my neighbor (my uncle) to come see what is happening. When my mom took a few steps back, she said that she felt someone push her in the back and she fell down. My mom said that she couldn't get up. She also said that she felt a wind blowing here to the ground.
To make a long story short, she managed to go to my uncles house, (just across the road), by just dragging herself. My uncle said that she was pale and smelled a horrible stench.
My mom said that she never saw me, and when I looked at my blanket it was clean. Yet I still remember that my throat was a bit stingy form trowing up.
Apparently, things like this happen often where I was. My uncle said that it was work from a witch doctor who did some witch craft on us.

Later that day, my dad brought a priest in the house and prayed for us. After that, nothing happened that night.

So yeah that's my story. I'm just curious, if this happens often to you, why don't you set up cameras around your house. Maybe you might catch something interesting.


Well-known member
Old testament, new testament, I don't believe in either.
The reason I'm not Christian or devout Christian isn't because of other people, It's because of personal life experience and the the beliefs I've formed from them & I don't think god is hypocritical because people are...I never thought that. I'm not afraid of dieing and going to hell either so, I'm sorry.
I know you feel the need to say these things because you really care about people and their souls but, If I'm wrong and just don't understand anything, I'll be okay that way.
Peace ? ^_^

Sorry Tree but without Christ there is no peace. The peace that Christ offers transcends this world. I have nothing against your personal beliefs. Ultimately we will all stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ and everyone will be judged according to their works and words. Some will be granted access into the Millennium to live and reign over the entirety of the Earth with Jesus Christ for an extended period of time. Even as we do not like to retain God in our knowledge, God doesn't retain us in His, but gives us over to a debased mind so that we will continue to do the things which are not fitting unto destruction. I hear this frequently from agnostic and atheist people a-like, that they do not fear hell. It is rebellion speaking at its loudest capacity. It is declaring that God's holy judgments are nothing to fret. Believe me, every single person that has died and gone to hell said the same thing, and wishes they had one more chance to be delivered from such a place of torments.

But Jesus made no mistake when He said that He did not come to bring peace but a sword of division. Truly the world is picking a side, and it will stay true to its own flock, though dwelling in the midst of each, until the time of the great separation.

What a beautiful story. Very well expressed.
You write very well. I cant say the same of me lol
I have had many various experiences with the paranormal as well.
Which included the calling of my name for a couple of months @ the age of 18.
Psychic dreams fortelling upcoming events and oncoming death.
And once christ came into a dream! and all that was said
was, You know what you have to do now its up to you to do it.
I found thiese incidents a bit creapy
yet perfectly wonderfully beautiful

Thanks for sharing and reminding me of these beautiful incidents

Revelation in the Bible foretells how the future will unfold. Anything that is added or taken away from that prophecy is a mislead and is probably inspired by devils. I encourage that you read the book of Revelation if you are interested in the foretelling of the world pertaining to Israel and the Church. But yes, the paranormal has been frequent in my life up until lately. Not much has been happening, except for that one audible occurrence with the whispering voice.

I do believe in what you are saying. Something similar happened to my family when I was young.
So this is what happened. When I was about 7 years or so, we went to Mexico to go visits some relatives. Fast forward a bit. It was night time and we decided to go to sleep in my parents house. The house was a bit new, but left abandon.

Sorry to jump off topic, but the place were we were at wasn't like here in the U.S. What I mean is that the surrounding is mountainous. The only way to get to my house is to go down hill. Practically where I was, was in a small village.

Back to the topic, so anyways my dad went to visit his mom, and me, my mom, sister, and one of my cousins decided to stay in the house. It was nightfall, there is no street light out side, only light or fireplaces from homes. So we decided to sleep. It was my first night at the house and we all fell asleep.

Some where along the night, I recall waking up and felt really ill. I started to throw up and went to go find my mom. I remember seeing here, she was washing clothes for some reason and told her I felt sick. She told me to go back to sleep and I did.

Apparently, when I woke up the next day, my mom told me if I felt anything or saw anything. I told here that I remembered that I threw up and felt sick. She then told me that last night she couldn't fall asleep and that she decided to wash some of our clothes. She said she was hearing someone tapping on the door and thought it was my dad. When she opened it, she felt a cold chill and a horrible smell. At first she didn't do anything, she just closed the door and went back to washing our clothes. That's when she heard my cousin scream and started to cry. My mom told her what happened and she said that she had a nightmare that some one was trying to grab her and when she woke up she saw someone staring at here at a corner. That's when my sister woke up and she started to kick the blankets and said that she apparently had the same dream.

My mom knew that something wasn't right and told my cousin and sister to wait while she went to go tell the my neighbor (my uncle) to come see what is happening. When my mom took a few steps back, she said that she felt someone push her in the back and she fell down. My mom said that she couldn't get up. She also said that she felt a wind blowing here to the ground.
To make a long story short, she managed to go to my uncles house, (just across the road), by just dragging herself. My uncle said that she was pale and smelled a horrible stench.
My mom said that she never saw me, and when I looked at my blanket it was clean. Yet I still remember that my throat was a bit stingy form trowing up.
Apparently, things like this happen often where I was. My uncle said that it was work from a witch doctor who did some witch craft on us.

Later that day, my dad brought a priest in the house and prayed for us. After that, nothing happened that night.

So yeah that's my story. I'm just curious, if this happens often to you, why don't you set up cameras around your house. Maybe you might catch something interesting.

Interesting story, thanks for sharing. Nothing like that has happened to me where I felt a sudden yet abnormal physical illness come over me, but I have heard of incidents like that before. I'm not really a paranormal investigator so it never interested me to try to catch spirits on video or picture. I've always attracted the paranormal though. I doubt my faith in Christ would have been as strong as it is now if it weren't for my paranormal experiences. Sometimes God will use these things to draw us closer to His Spiritual Reality.


Well-known member
Ok, ok .., I think I get it.
I'm done with this discussion.
I'll send everyone a postcard from hell. :)