But...everyone already knows I'm shy!


This is probably the only reason why I'm still shy. I'm confident about myself now (well, more so at least...) and feel quite comfortable talking to strangers and new people in school. The thing I have a problem with is talking to people who already know I'm shy. The people I've ignored in the past because I've never felt 'good enough' to talk to them. I feel like instead of judging me by the way I look, now they will judge me on the fact that I've been shy in the past. I wouldn't know how to answer the question 'why haven't you talked to me before?' or 'Haven't heard from you in a while!' or 'Is that Ky? Since when does she talk?'

Know what I mean? I don't know how to get over this. I feel like it would seem weird if I just randomly talked to someone I knew for 3 years but haven't spoken to before. Any of you guys feel the same way?


This has been a concern of mine before. i think what you have to do is meet new people. Everyone says first impressions are the most lasting. If they had a negative impression of you at the start (very likely) then they will most likely keep it.


Well-known member
Ky said:
This is probably the only reason why I'm still shy. I'm confident about myself now (well, more so at least...) and feel quite comfortable talking to strangers and new people in school. The thing I have a problem with is talking to people who already know I'm shy. The people I've ignored in the past because I've never felt 'good enough' to talk to them. I feel like instead of judging me by the way I look, now they will judge me on the fact that I've been shy in the past. I wouldn't know how to answer the question 'why haven't you talked to me before?' or 'Haven't heard from you in a while!' or 'Is that Ky? Since when does she talk?'

Know what I mean? I don't know how to get over this. I feel like it would seem weird if I just randomly talked to someone I knew for 3 years but haven't spoken to before. Any of you guys feel the same way?

Yes, I know exactly what you mean!!! I used to work at a movie theatre in highschool and then quit for university. When I worked there I NEVER talked to anyone. At university I got better about communicating and was able to talk to people at work really well. During the summer months when I was off school, my best friend had become the manager at the theartre and she gave me a job over the summer. I was working with the same people as before and some new people. I could talk to the new people without any worry... but not the old people. I thought, "Oh they hate me! They're thinking, 'That bitch! She NEVER talked to us... and now she'll talk to them... what a fucking snob!'" so I ended up not talking to them as much at first. It was like a month before I felt normal enough with them and then they said to me, "Why didn't you talk to us before?! We could have been friends that whole time!" which made me feel good... and stupid, and embarassed! :oops:

But I know what mean... it's a weird feeling.


I know exactly what you mean and I feel the same way.

I remember in elementary thru middle school I was really really quiet and I would barely talk to anyone and then when I started High School idk what happened but I just felt more comfortable talking to people and everyone who knew me before would be like "You actually talk?" or "This is the most I've ever heard you say" :x :roll: sooo annoying!
Ky said:
I don't know how to get over this. I feel like it would seem weird if I just randomly talked to someone I knew for 3 years but haven't spoken to before. Any of you guys feel the same way?

Totally! I still have trouble talking to this girl that I've seen for the past 3 years or more because I used to avoid her because I thought she was stuck up. Well...I think I was wrong...she actually seems nice now and I'm starting to think that maybe she was just shy. Now I'm like not sure if I should talk to her or just not say anything. Of course, saying nothing is saying something.

Some kids down the street probably think I'm super shy or stuck up because I haven't bothered talking to them.


Well-known member
I know what you mean. Does anyone feel like you'll get stuck being shy when you meet someone new? Like if you act really shy first time you meet people get the impression that you don't talk much then they don't want to bother making all the effort, and then instead of gradually getting accustomed to them you just get shyer...


Well-known member
This is something I worry about. What annoys me is this is something i'll never be able to change as people just remember don't they? they remember how you would avoid them. Its embarrassing. I might even have to start a new job, start afresh.


Well-known member
yes and i hate it! part of me feels like i have to keep up with their expectations. they expect me to be shy and in order to avoid attention i have to keep being shy :(


Well-known member
Grr yeah, it's so annoying! If I bump into someone I know and suddenly remember that last time I saw them I was acting really dorky and nervous, then I can't help but act that way again! I start thinking about how they're probably remembering how weird I was the last time they saw me, and that makes me really nervous and starts off a whole new cycle of mumbling and stupid remarks and fidgeting, before I make a crappy excuse and flee (if they haven't done so first, that is!!) :oops:

Sometimes I wish I could selectively forget stuff and just obliviate certain embarrassing memories. Maybe if I couldn't remember those horrible moments, I'd stop freaking out so much and be a lot more confident... *sigh*


Well-known member
Bro thats exactly what i was thinking during my last year of school (was last year btw) . . .if you feel its too late, my best advice would be get as motivated as you can to do your best and get the marks you want. It pays off and you do definitly reap the benefits. While having your mind on the studies, at school instead of just trying to converse with every group and so forth (whilst feeling anxious), try just holding a good conversation with a few people each day. Maybe first try become that guy who everyone likes to talk to on a one on one scale. Just try keep calm, think positively . . . in fact . . don't think at all, just loosen up, try listen to what their actually saying (it was hard for me to not be self-absorbed back in high) read their facial expressions and let their excitement or fun emotions rub off onto you. It's actually not as hard as you might think. If you decide when to break out of that social phobic shell, try slowly working your way out in high school. Just learn to get a feel for what socialising is like and how to do it (even just with one person). If you further your studies after school, thats when you should try completely break out of that shell. You may meet new people who don't know you. You might be hell shocked at how much girls who don't know you will approach you later on if you further your studies.


Well-known member
I'm loving all of these comments! :D I've been trying to talk to more people, and it seems to be working. I've decided to put myself out there, and have covinced myself that the other person looks like just as much of an idiot as I do...which makes me feel better. I've even talked to my crush without :oops: ing!