Bullying doesnt cause SocialAnxiety


Well-known member
I ve notice most people seem to think their Anxiety was caused by bullying but that might not be accurate.

I think bullying is just a result of being socialy shy and apearing weak. Thats why when you move away from the bully the shyness is still there.


Well-known member
I think it's a vicious circle really. The bullying makes the anxiety more intense, which makes you an easier target, which increases the bullying... etc :(

I think bullying could trigger SA though, for instance a slightly shy or "different" child may not actually be socially phobic/anxious until they're bullied for that little bit of shyness or supposed weirdness that bullies always latch onto.


Well-known member
I'm sure that's part of the cause for some people, but I have never been bullied in my life and am still very socially anxious. I agree though that it probably wouldn't cause SA, it would just enhance it. It would take what would only be a shy or sensitive child and turn them against the world, force them deeper into themselves, resulting in SA.

Mine resulted from a combo of upbringing and other's reactions to my attempted social interaction.


Well-known member
Well I don't think people ever really "move away" from bullies. From youth to adulthood, bullies are always there. Some people just have a desire to distress and humiliate those whom they perceive as being weak or lesser than themselves. And when they do that it can't utterly destroy a person socially. You may never quite trust or feel comfortable around people again. At least not in the same way.

As we mature bullies usually take different forms. They aren't necessarily taunting us outwardly like they may have on the playground, but they're still being distinctly condescending and just generally making things harder for us. It doesn't disappear and neither does it's effect, unfortunately.

So I definitely do believe that bullying is the root of some people's social anxiety. I know for me personally it is in more ways than I care to admit, even to myself.