Bullying and AvPD


New member
I'm new to the group and I'd like to thank you all for letting me post here. I apologize if this topic has been covered before....

I'm a 32-year-old woman, and I've been bullied on an almost constant basis since I was 13 years old. It was always at the hands of other females and it carried on through school right into my last workplace and present job.

I always had a bit of AvPD, but in college it really got out of control and I ended up cutting off all of my friends, both male and female. I have had no friends (other than a couple of online friends) since about 2003. I have always had more male friends than female ones, since I've never really trusted women, since I've suffered so much abuse at their hands.

The last couple of incidences of bullying (there are two bullies at my present job) have brought my distrust of women up to a level of absolute hatred. It's awful. I hate women. HATE them. One half of my brain thinks they are absolutely evil creatures and the other half knows that this is ridiculous, false thinking.

For many years, I have yearned for female friends. But at this point, I am actually relieved not to have any. But I don't want to feel hatred like this, not for anybody. And it's awful that my history of bullying has caused me to feel this way about women, and has strengthened my AvPD.

My point is, does anyone else have a history of abuse from bullies, which has caused their AvPD to get worse?

I feel so cut off from the majority of humanity.


Well-known member
I'm so sorry that happens to you like whole your life.:eek: Yeah I was bullied in my early years. So, you got these 2 bullies at work, what do they say/do ?


Well-known member
Warm welcome to you.

I originally thought that I have never been bullied....Then it occured to me,
My stepfather would treat me as I wasn't good enough with things he would say and not say.

So yes, and this is around the same time AvPD took hold!

Regards Darryl
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