Bullied! What should I do? Or is it bullying?


New member
I used to friends with these five lasses but the fell out with me for no reason. I have tried to ignore them but they are in most of my classes and they wont leave me alone. Everytime i make a new friend they ask them if they like me and then tell me that my new friend wants me to leave them alone. But is it actually them? I have them on msn my old friends and the constantly talk to me on there saying hurtful things like NO ONE LIKES YOU. NOT EVEN BLAH AND BLAH. YOU RETARD. I ahte it and i want it to stop. But if i tell someone it will become worse so i dont know what to do. Please help me.
I would say it's being bullied. You should get from the new friend, not them that they don't like you or not, if I understood correctly. You should tell someone but I'm just not sure if I would tell I teacher if I was being bullied, because I'd be too concerned that the bullies would just find out and do it even worse, so if you do make sure that dosen't happen where they know it was you directly, because you should not have to put up with that.


Well-known member
Dont express how u feel (fear, anixety) when u conflict with those guys... Also, be smarter than them & talk ur way out of it or just ignore em...


Well-known member
tomboy9022 said:
I used to friends with these five lasses but the fell out with me for no reason. I have tried to ignore them but they are in most of my classes and they wont leave me alone. Everytime i make a new friend they ask them if they like me and then tell me that my new friend wants me to leave them alone. But is it actually them? I have them on msn my old friends and the constantly talk to me on there saying hurtful things like NO ONE LIKES YOU. NOT EVEN BLAH AND BLAH. YOU RETARD. I ahte it and i want it to stop. But if i tell someone it will become worse so i dont know what to do. Please help me.
1. print all the conversations you've had with them where they are cursing you out. take this to your counselor.
2. if it's possible, find someone in one of your classes, who can vouch that they are indeed bullying you. let that person be your witness. but i don't think this is that necessary. besides, i know how some people are too chicken shit to even stand up for their fellow students.
3. have your parents, friends, grandparents, basically everyone you know call the school and complain that they are sick of the bullying behavior going on at your school. the counselors/teachers/etc would have to do SOMETHING eventually.