Bring puzzles with you everywhere


Well-known member
Hi, a good coping technique for anxiety is to bring a puzzle with you whereever you go. The puzzle could be something small like a rubiks cube or a digital sudoku or something, just as long as you can carry it with you. When you feel an anxiety spell coming on, start solving--imeditly. puzzles are great distractions. This worked for me, so It may work for you as well. It even worked while I was depressed. I suspect that I was able to channel the extra arousal that I got from the anxiety into the solving of the puzzle. Regardless, it worked.

Have a good night


Well-known member
When I'm out in public, having something to do other than just standing around looking like a werido, usually helps me feel a little better. It's not really distracting me from being anxious, I kinda use it so that people will leave me alone.

During panic attacks though or right before getting a panic attack, I sometimes have someone give me random (easy) math problems to solve to distract me from my panic attack. It works sometimes. My panic attacks usually get worse the more I focus on it.

But honestly, I don't really think there's anything that will distract me from being socially anxious, except for maybe being around people im comfortable with.. oh and maybe alcohol
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Well-known member
yeah I always take my ipod & a book wherever I go. The ipod drowns out other people which I find helps keep me even. The book (aside from study) stops people trying to start conversations with me.