Breaking point?


Im a pretty laid back person with an extremely long fuse but SP makes this worse because i dont like getting into confrontations.

A few months back my arsehole neighbour was playing his music too loud, this had been going on for weeks but i had told myself to ignore it because i didnt want the hassle and hes the type of guy who would argue black was white not to mention is arrogant and loves himself and tries to shout down people who challenge him.

Anyway one night i just snapped and literally ran next door almost breaking his front door with the force i hit it with shouting "are you f***ing deaf?!", he came storming out and we had a blazing row which ended up me shouting him down and getting him into my apartment to listen to the volume of his music, he then skulked off huffing and puffing into his apartment where he turned the music down as i havent heard a peep out of him since.

I was totally amazed i had managed to do it and was shaking a bit after but it felt good, the only problem then was i was up all night thinking what would happen next when i saw him and did i say the right things.

Does anyone else feel they have a breaking point but are to scared to say anything to people who really annoy you? and what would it take to get you to that point?


Active member
i find that i snap a lot and probably see things that people do more annoying than i wud have before! i have noticed it also depends on my mood i just notice that i say and do things now thats are quite bitchy that i wud never have done before but i think thats down to my depression coz ive always been paranoid what people think about me so wud never even dare say nethin to ne1 if theyre annoying me coz i was scared of them not liking me afterwards x


Well-known member
If I have a breaking point, I haven't reached it yet. I do fantasise about telling people what's really on my mind - mostly hateful stuff unfortunately, :roll: . I guess if you have a lot of repressed emotion, when you do snap, it'll all come gushing out at once. I still think this is better than not saying anything though.


Well-known member
I'm not sure if this is the way it is for most of us SAD'ers but I find it takes a lot more to reach my breaking point than it would with your average person but when I do get fed up enough, watch out. It's really wild but it's almost like if I get furious enough my SAD almost disappears. I guess the emotions and adrenaline I'm feeling are so high, SAD takes a backseat. I've shocked people before because usually I'm so meek and mild they never expect me to be one to finally have enough and blow my fuse. It is a good feeling though, to be able to take a stand when enough is enough and usually once that happens, no more problems with that person. :D


Well-known member
Most of the time I'm also very diplomatic (not sure if that's the right word to use), but rarely I get angry and think I go over the line.. Mostly happens when I'm drunk though. Anyway afterwords I feel a bit embarressed because it doesn't really fit in to the way I normally behave.


Well-known member
that sounds great..i nvr have the confidance to do those sorts of things. people usually walk all over me for ages b4 i nicely ask for things to change.


Well-known member
I have a hard time standing toe-to-toe with people in a confrontation. I really hate it, but it’s sometimes necessary. I tend to get angry quickly, but then I fall apart during the “discussion”. I shake and my voice quivers. I turn red in the face and my heart pounds.

Needless to say, I don’t put myself through this unless it’s the only option. As much as it terrifies me, I will stand up for myself. Some people just don't have any respect for others and, as painful as it is, they need to be told.


Well-known member
I had my breaking points many times in school. People would make fun of me because I never talked. Then when it got to my breaking point, I just unleashed my supressed rage and ended up in physical fights. Since I worked on a farm all my life doing physical labor, I was tougher and stronger then people thought and they learned their lesson to never insult me again.


Well-known member
like drew.. me too am bad when dealing with confrontations..
i'll just sound silly and make it look as though i'm the one who's actually at the wrong side bcoz of the shakiness shown...
they said one will usually stand up tall and talk without hesitating anything if one was really with the right side.. but how can one did that when one was so nervous to express one's annoyance/the truth?