Boyfriend or Girlfriend?

Do you have a partner ?

  • No I'm single and happy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes I have a partner & they have SA as well

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I have never had a proper boyfriend and I know it's because SA has held me back. Who knows i'm here if I never go out!


Well-known member
I had a girlfriend for 6 years, and she still didn't understand why I had problems socialzing.
The best place to meet someone is at work probably, cause you can get to know them. It hasn't worked for me yet though! haha


Well-known member
Milton5a said:
I have never had a proper boyfriend and I know it's because SA has held me back. Who knows i'm here if I never go out!

Hey, I'll be your boyfriend. You look pretty fine in your photo! However, I live in south London.


Well-known member
I am the solitary person who has an SA partner.
We met on 4chan, and will be meeting in person in just over a month, as we live in different countries.

My experience so far has been tremendously positive, finally someone who understands how I feel and gets me!


I chose the third option. Never had a boyfriend or any sort of romantic relationship. This does not make me happy.


Well-known member
Never had a girlfriend or boyfriend, but I really want one. However, the idea of actually getting one terrifies me.


Well-known member
No I don't currently have one.

I often wonder how people with SP manage to get themselves a girlfriend or boyfriend. To me, this feels very out of reach.


Well-known member
Ive always struggled with relationships because I turn into a big pile of nerves. I dont think it will ever chnage. I dont have to worry about it at the minute being an agoraphobic :lol: Unless a gorgeous guy turns up on the doorstep.


Well-known member
Im pretty lucky I guess, I met my partner before my Hyperhidrosis kicked in properly and so I was much more of an outgoing person back then..over the years as my hyperhidrosis has worsened its been great to have him there to support me, I know how hard it would be if I were to become single again, with the HH and the SA caused by it...I dont think it would be easy for me at all..but im sure its not certainly give it a go!! :lol:


I am 18 years old and I have never had a girlfriend. When I was about 12 or 13 I had one but we didn't even have the guts to talk to each other and she 'dumped' me within about a week, which is the way it is I suppose at that age.


I was seeing a girl for over a year, we met online (surprise, surprise) but it didn't work out in the end. After we broke up I started to feel really poorly and then found out I had a rare Liver disorder which made me lose lots of weight.
I think people tend to look at me and think I look terrible, people have certainly commented on my appearance before. I've given up hope of finding someone, even at this young age (22) as it's impossible for me to get better now and I'm never going to be the solid mass of muscle that I always dreamed of and I feel physically terrible every day.
I think the likelihood is that I will commit suicide eventually (not today, don't worry) and it isn't like in a film, I'm not sitting here feeling depressed and crying about the outcome of my life, it's just bad luck that my life panned out like this before I ever really had a chance to change anything. What are you gonna do, eh? :roll:

Anyhow, I took the thread slightly off-topic, I apologise. I haven't had any female interaction since my ex about 3 years ago but I've never really been out of the house in 6 years or so.


New member
Its not all its cracked up to be ..

I admit, this is still my holy grail .. why I am trying so hard to beat this.
But I have had a 10 yr relationship that was just a complete struggle ..

She never understood me .. made me feel really bad about myself with her constant criticisms. I think she was more frustrated with my SA than I was. Not that she ever admitted that I had SA, she just thought I was useless.

So I dont know what's best. Someone else who has SA or someone who is sociable, to bring me out of myself.

Either way, the whole idea of meeting people at my age seems quite impossible .. but I am a fighter .. I will be happy :-D