would you think someone was strange/weird if you spoke to them & they went bright red with embar

  • yes, i'd think they look stupid & must have serious confidence issues!

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  • yes, i'd think they must be crazy!

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New member
Hi ShyCrow,

I feel and share your pain to the core. I have been a severe blusher, sweater, palpitator(?) since my teenage years. I've suffered through quite a few therapies that haven't worked for me: CBT, "counseling", psychotherapy, Paxil, Lexapro, klonopin, and more. I have never really amounted to much professionally because of my fear of blushing, severe sweating and heart palpitations.

In a word, I had given up.

Like many of us, I always felt like an extrovert in a shy body. I think only sufferers like ourselves could ever understand that.

ShyCrow, I have some good news to report. I started taking Propranolol two days ago. For me it has been MIRACLE. I knew immediately during the first dose that it worked: I made an off-color joke to an acquaintance which would normally cause me to get hot under the collar. Well, I didn't sweat, blush, feel my heart race, etc. And I was nervous only until I realized that I wasn't losing control, after which I truly felt like a new human being.
The following day I was able to joke around with colleagues in a large group, and the day after that I attended the dreaded weekly meeting. Everything was totally cool.

My life has changed. My life has changed. I will never go back. I can't believe I just wrote that.

Good luck.

ShyCrow said:
Hello all,

I'm 35 (f) and unfortunately still suffering from SA/SP/Blushing and have done to varying degress since I was around 14years old. I've tried the hypnotherapy route too, however he just kept on delving into my past to try and figure out a trigger, just as previously mentioned. I'm currently off work at the moment, the total exhaustion I felt from constantly being on my guard, ready to control my blushing if I interacted with anyone, my heart racing constantly was just too much and i'm taking the next couple of months off. I'm on anti depressants as i'm just worn down now and at an incredibly low ebb. It's been great to see so many others feel the same, prob not great for you guys though....but what concerns me is my age, everyone else here is so much younger. Am I the only over 30 to still suffer??? Any suggestions or useful thoughts from anyone else?


Well-known member
I actualy do not blush like i used to...I spose i can & would do if the situation was just right...but in the last couple years i have noticed that I dont go as red anymore because even when I feel hot or as if i am going red...if i happen to look in a mirror I am not really that noticably red... atleast not as red as i felt..just a tiny bit of color on my upper cheek bone area maybe....I just feel the sensation still.....I used to go red noticably...Im not sure if its age or just that I avoid situations alot more now than i used to..but for whatever reason...I dont go as red as i used to when i was was real bad when i was still in school & some time there there is hope for blushers i think....unless I am an exception to the norm...I dunno.


Heya all. . . I have to agree that blushing is frustrating and embarrassing, I am so damn sick of it!!! Its always irritating (to say at least) when people tell me "look, she's going red" or like just recently "is there a reason you're blushing". I am 16 and still in high school so its always hard for me to give a speech or read in front of the class. The thing is that I actually enjoy standing out, being around people. . .all that, and it's because of my blushing that i don't interact with people that much. . .I know what's gona happen. I've been asking people for help or advice on how to just not blush. . .but the answer has always been the same "its all in your head". If someone tells me that one more time I'm gona explode!!! They are wrong, you can’t exactly control it! Because guess how I found out that I'm a blusher. . .people told me! When I wasn't even aware of it. Now I am and it has literally killed my self esteem and my ability to even pretend that I have confidence. I am however holding on for this one solution. . .Propranolol. . .I hear it may help. . .is this true? And if it is, how does it work? Does it have side affects?