Blushing and Recover.

Ok so today i had to take a trip into Dublin city, no big deal i have done it loads of times so while i was there i had to buy myself an external HDD picked up a Terrabyte for €100, a Terrabyte is a 1000GB for those who dont know.

Now when i went into the shop i looked for it and could'nt find it so i went to the till and asked the guy behind the till and he said he would go get it for me, but just as he was leaving he said can you wriite your name and addresss on the bit of paper for the warranty.

Now normally being asked such a question i would'nt care but for some reason i just totally lost and went sooo red i mean real bad but luckly he had already gone to get the HDD so there i was at the till with a big red face thinkin f**k, f**k, f**k, lol so what did i do i hear you cry? well i said to myself "ok bar lets just relax here for a minute, you have gone red and your aware of this" so i shut my eyes and took a deep breath and let it out done that 3 times and sure enough the colour went from my face and i returned to normal before he got back. He was gone about 4mins so i had time to control mself. So i was pleased with myself because before i would just make it worse and it would be horrible, so result for me :D:D


Well-known member
Well done my friend! I love happy stories, especially when they could just as easily have been about me. May this be the start of a new trend in your life.


Well-known member
was at the till with a big red face thinkin f**k, f**k, f**k,
haha :) nice expression,and the end is good aswell.


Well-known member
Well done! I was in Matalan the other day and i started blushing because i was called to till number 9 and i went to till 2 cos i was looking at the wrong number lol::eek:: Any other person without sa would'nt give a damn but i felt as if everyone was looking and thinking i was stupid.


Well done! I was in Matalan the other day and i started blushing because i was called to till number 9 and i went to till 2 cos i was looking at the wrong number lol::eek:: Any other person without sa would'nt give a damn but i felt as if everyone was looking and thinking i was stupid.

Cheers Man, Its funny how such small silly things can set us off.


Well-known member
Yeah and it's a vicious cycle because then we are concious that we are blushing and blush even more!