Blushers unite! I need your help.


Well-known member
Or more precisely, we need each other. A few weeks ago I told you guys about an article I read that said that alkalising your body impairs the blush reflex. I believed it like I would believe a headline that said "Tooth Fairy Wins Lottery." But naturally, I tried it because if there's one thing we blushers understand, it's hopeless desperation. I tried 2 days of gross vegetables but couldn't handle it so I started drinking a nice tall glass of antacid first thing in the morning, after every meal and last thing at night (I know! But like I said, I'm desperate). let me up my font to prevent any ambiguity: IT WORKS! IT FREAKING WORKS! I don't feel comfortable in social situations. I still have that fear that I'm going to turn post-box red every 10 seconds but the fear of blushing no longer brings on an attack. I still feel the old surge rising up but I can physically feel it dispersing before it gets to my face. Please, blushers. try it and tell me if it works for you too. You have nothing to lose and the whole wide world to gain. I even went to a resturaunt this weekend with a crowd of 10. I mean, a resturaunt? Me? I'm dying to know if you have the same sucess and if it stops working for me, I promise to let you know that very same day. Mwah.
Thats great news well done you! :D

But beware the side effects,

Reduced stomach acidity may result in an impaired ability to digest and absorb certain nutrients, such as iron and the B vitamins. Since the low pH of the stomach normally kills ingested bacteria, antacids increase the vulnerability to infection. Just a thought u mite wanna take on board


Well-known member
Whatever. I'll take a little indigestion over wishing-I-was-dead humiliation anyday. Thanks for the concern but the consequenses seem miniscule
Great that this works for you but do you know anyone else whose tried your home remedy and got it working?

What are the ingredients anyway?


Well-known member
An antacid is any substance, generally a base or basic salt, which counteracts stomach acidity. In other words, antacids are stomach acid neutralizers.

I would do anything to kill face blushing since its biggest my problem but somewhat im skeptical of this theory and histadelia approach because medicine is quite advanced now and still theres no real meds for it.But i will try it anyway and hope others try it just to see is there any change in appearance.


Well-known member
so besides antacids what other things could you use, like what ingrediants from around the house??