Blame...'Run Ricky Run'


Well-known member
So, i was watching the AMAZING ESPN 30 for 30 on Ricky Williams, called 'Run Ricky Run', and came across this absolutely outstanding, moving quote from Ricky:

""I learned at a very young age that you can't blame your life on your parents or your upbringing or anything that happened in your past...

I didn't understand it in a philosophical standpoint, but when you blame things on other people, it takes the power out of your hands, and it puts it in their hands. So, if you blame your parents for your upbringing, then only they can fix it."
Ricky Williams ESPN 30 for 30 'Run Ricky Run"

Why do we blame? Is it characteristic for us with mental disorders, mainly SAD to blame others for who we are. I was thikning about this a little, and as much as i try not to blame my father for who i am, my blame always goes back to him, and away from taking the responsibility myself. I don't mean to sound like a whiner who can't take responsibility for himself, but now i am thinking, well maybe that is exactly what I am?

I just don't get this passage from Rickey. I have heard this many other times in life, about things like blame and forgiveness. Will letting go of my blame towards my father really help me in any way? I have no idea, but i don't think its worth finding out. I hate the man so much that i can't even bare to look at him. Maybe it is one of those things where you need to try it, before you will know. But, even if i did tell my dad i blamed him, and dont want to anymore, and that i want to forgive him, i wouldn't mean it. How could i? I know deep inside that the truth is that i do blame him. Maybe im just hiding the truth from myself, maybe not, i guess i won't know until im ready.:confused:
While it may be their "fault" for not raising you properly... it is up to you to decide how you want to live... It is not your parents' fault that they are bad parents or that the world is as cruel as it is - they have their own problems too.

We are born into this world... some of us have better luck as kids but ultimately, I think it's up to us personally to decide how we want to live, because NO ONE else can decide for you... not even your parents. Each person has his/her own will.

For example, I would be doing a lot better with my social anxiety/depression (if not overcome it already) if I didn't get into things that make them worse... which I myself chose those things, not my parents. We're not perfect, we **** up... I'm sure theres going to be something about you that your kids wont like how it affected them... but I think everyone feels like this.

It's just life, you are born, you get what you get.... you decide what to make of it... since you can't change or choose what you get.


Well-known member
We are born into this world... some of us have better luck as kids but ultimately, I think it's up to us personally to decide how we want to live, because NO ONE else can decide for you... not even your parents. Each person has his/her own will.

I like that part a lot. It was exactly what i was looking for. I knew i was missing something when thinking about blame, and this was exactly it.

...But, if this is true, then how does blaming someone give them the power over your personal change? I guess Ricky here means if you give them the power over yourself to change and be a different person. In my case, i feel my father has controlled my whole life to go how he wanted it to. But i never thought or could have possibly imagined that this was because i blame him for who i am.


Well-known member
No one else has anything to say about blame? Am i really the only one who finds this quote interesitng?

Sorry for being so upfront. I wouldn't usually say the above, im just VERY VERY pissed off right now about things. I was to be somewhere in between not saying the above comment, and saying it in the tone(which you probably can't even realize, bc it is typed) i typed it in above. Okay, goodnight, syanora.
I like that part a lot. It was exactly what i was looking for. I knew i was missing something when thinking about blame, and this was exactly it.

...But, if this is true, then how does blaming someone give them the power over your personal change? I guess Ricky here means if you give them the power over yourself to change and be a different person. In my case, i feel my father has controlled my whole life to go how he wanted it to. But i never thought or could have possibly imagined that this was because i blame him for who i am.

Well, I believe he means that if you blame someone for a problem that you have - it makes that person the cause of the problem. Meaning, they are causing the problem. And the only way to get rid of a problem is by fixing the cause(your parents). And you can't fix your parents, because you cannot invade their will - like I said, each person has his/her own will, which no one else can take or even influence.
yea, that was a great documentary.

That along with the Ali v.s Holmes, trial of Allen Iverson, OJ Simpson and The Reggie Miller v.s NY Knicks 30 for 30

I'm waiting for the Michael Jordan and Mike tyson ones now.