

Well-known member
I know what you mean.

I've just turned 35 - should be married and have kids.

Should have that life - couldn't get it - social phobia cheers!!


Well-known member
Yup, not only do I not feel like my age, but I also hate birthdays because I am the center of attention.... grrrr, this is not the way life should be!



Just turned 40 October 3, and I really felt horrible about it. My partner threw a surprise party for me and I threw up and my vision got very blurry. She doesn't understand how real my anxiety is and how it only gets worse. I thought that everyone at the party hated me and felt resentful about being there - they probably went because she is a very forceful person and somewhat powerful in our business field. I also felt they were shocked to see how I have no friends of "my own" that were there. Everyone we socialize with is through her because I cannot make connections on my own. I also felt that they thought I was very pathetic to be 40 and to be in this situation and to be still struggling so in my field, even though I have a "powerful" partner.

I'm just glad it's over.


Well-known member
I don't feel like I'm 21 and I probably don't act like it either...I come across as extremely dumb or stupid, right now I'm wearing a bracelet with a hippo charm and I was eating lasagne before with a stuffed dog named Carlisle...will I ever grow up?..oh I also spent my 21st birthday alone


Well-known member
Emma said:
I don't feel like I'm 21 and I probably don't act like it either...I come across as extremely dumb or stupid, right now I'm wearing a bracelet with a hippo charm and I was eating lasagne before with a stuffed dog named Carlisle...will I ever grow up?..oh I also spent my 21st birthday alone

Did Carlisle dig lasagne? :D


Yes, I am going to be 18 soon 8O . And I have no mates to celebrate it with. I should be going out having a piss up, instead I havn't bookeed the day off. I will come home and sit at my computer. YEY!


Well-known member
i dont like celebrating my birhtday, ever. i only had parties when i was younger. but now people are lucky if i let them take me out to eat on my birthday or something. i really dont like making my birthday into a big huge deal. i think of it as just being a day older then yesterday.
and i also hate having to pretend i care about other peoples birthday. like with my one and only friend, i have to call her on her birthday and act like im sooooo happy and excited for her, when really i dont give a crap. but, thats just me