binge eating


Well-known member
damn i've broken my three weeks of sensible eating and now i have stomach pain! I wrote on here a post about weight training, but i haven't started that at all and decided to just not overeat. Turns out it's not what i need to do to improve metabolism anyway, so i've lost muscle weight by doing this which is not good...should have taken the advice given. But my point of writing this is to ask:
Has anyone started a healthy eating plan, not a diet, and stuck with it for good? Because it seems too difficult to overcome former eating habits... keeping away from sweet food when you have a sweet tooth would make you feel like your on a diet even if your just eating healthy!
This post is also to add to the lack of posts here.


Well-known member
:( I did the same.. I've been eating more healthily since the beginning of the year and yesterday I had a load of junk and the same today. arghh

Before, for a while I was just eating junk all day and sitting in front of the tv and I gained about 10lbs which I'm trying to lose now but it's not like I'm cutting anything out, just eating less of the junk and more fruit and healthy things.

It is hard to eat more healthily when you used to eat badly. It's like any habit really.


Active member
I always watch what I eat, I used to weigh over 15 stone (200lbs+) and I went on a diet and have gone down to 9 stone in 18 months...I also have a bowel disease so "binge eating" or eating junk food really isn't an option for me as much as I'd like to indulge myself, lol.

Food I eat consists of ; bran flakes, rice, tuna, fish, rice, cuppa soups, regular dinner (whatever that may be) plenty of water and everything else that is very soft food. On a Friday though I'll have a couple or so "non healthy foods", i.e. chrisps chocolate or something, just to treat myself seeing as I'm quite restricted to what I can eat.


I have a serious problem with binge eating too. It's the only way I know how to cope with my depression and feeling of loneliness. Sometimes I would put food in my mouth, chew it and then just spit it out. Im so sick. :(


Active member
Don't feel discouraged. One bad day will not ruin your diet. Actually it can be a good thing to do it every now and then so you don't do it all the time.