Believing negative stereotypes


Well-known member
Just thinking about what does labelling myself to be socially dysfunctional mean, i came up with a lot of harsh stereotypes i actually believe. I feel flawed, am weak in terms of survival of the fittest point of view e.g. being able to adapt to change. It's the equivalent of the stereotype of people with mental illness being a different type of weaker person. And these faults are proven in that i believe these ideas about myself in the first place... i beat myself down about almost anything. This might be a harsh negative description and too raw and might make many people akward, but at the moment i'm not feeling any of it just reflecting on how this is affecting me... does everyone else easily accept similar stereotypes?


Well-known member
Yeah, I know where you're coming from. I think most of us tear ourselves down over every little thing. Most people with social anxiety tend to have low self-esteem, hate change and over-analyze situations. It's like our fear-factor is always on overload.
Communication is one of the most essential elements in life ~ and unfortunately, us social-phobes fuckin' suck at it! Definitely makes me feel flawed and weaker compared to the "socially adept."