Belated hello!


Greetings everyone.
I joined a while ago here, then forgot about this place. Things haven't changed much for me in 5 years, neither the 5 before that, or the..[you get the picture]. Still no relationships ever, no intimate experiences or new friends to hang out with and enjoy the company of. No job again. But I'm feeling stronger, I do what makes me happier, music, films, laughing with online friends who live in other parts of the world on IM. Nothing can fill the emptiness I feel inside that I live with 24/7, but maybe one day that void will be filled.

I wake up and feel glad I exist instead of being nothing. I take pleasure from the little things and try not to get consumed by the darkness and negativity. But it is creeping ever nearer, as it will do as long as time keeps ticking onward. I will try and enjoy the ride until then. Things may still get better, my social anxiety and depression have helped destroy enough of my life already. I managed to get a few dates last year, which is big deal to me. I am going to keep trying more now, see a new therapist and get out of the house regularly.
I have to, no choice unless I want to carry on like this forever. While there's life there's hope so they say...
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