Being victimized and having no one to speak up for you


This has happened to me before..had bunch of stuff stolen from me...and its one of the dangers of being a loner or having a tarnished opens a door for people to fck with you because thy feel like its ok and that they can get away with it because they know that no one has your back...its amazing what fcked up things some people will do when they think they wont get caught or have to face judgement....and if people claim you have some kind of mental illness then it makes it even EASIER for them to discredit everything you say when you try to speak up for yourself.
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people always want to find the easiest target. I have quite a disdain for most people these days..its so rare to come across someone who isnt completely affected...but then again I dont get out much.

also, I just hate the fact that a person can be labeled negatively and then be treated poorly according to that label..people look at that person and dont see much of an ACTUAL person. They just see the label/stereotype and it distorts their perception of who that person really is. There's a dehumanizing aspect to being labeled or stereotyped. its disgusting...and theres all SORTS of labels..someone can be labeled with some type of mental illness (even if they dont really even HAVE one) and then other people mostly just view them through a veil of preconceived soon as someone says "oh I heard that guy is manic depressive" all of a sudden that brings forth a laundry list of negative assumptions about that person....its why I cant stand unintelligent people who believe all the bullshit and hype they hear...lastly,I think misdiagnosis's happen ALOT more often than anyone would like to admit...we'd like to think that doctors are these all knowing/god-like beings but the truth is they fvck up sometimes...and with all the skewed perceptions of mental illness in this country I really think being misdiagnosed can potentially damage a patient's reputation...also its fvked up that medications like adderall can actually CAUSE depression but instead of the doctor taking you off of adderall he just prescribes you an you really have to read the fine print and do your OWN research.

btw Idk of thats the right plural form of "misdiagnosis" but oh well.
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Well-known member
people always want to find the easiest target. I have quite a disdain for most people these days..its so rare to come across someone who isnt completely affected...but then again I dont get out much.

also, I just hate the fact that a person can be labeled negatively and then be treated poorly according to that label..people look at that person and dont see much of an ACTUAL person. They just see the label/stereotype and it distorts their perception of who that person really is. There's a dehumanizing aspect to being labeled or stereotyped. its disgusting...and theres all SORTS of labels..someone can be labeled with some type of mental illness (even if they dont really even HAVE one) and then other people mostly just view them through a veil of preconceived soon as someone says "oh I heard that guy is manic depressive" all of a sudden that brings forth a laundry list of negative assumptions about that person....its why I cant stand unintelligent people who believe all the bullshit and hype they hear...lastly,I think misdiagnosis's happen ALOT more often than anyone would like to admit...we'd like to think that doctors are these all knowing/god-like beings but the truth is they fvck up sometimes...and with all the skewed perceptions of mental illness in this country I really think being misdiagnosed can potentially damage a patient's reputation...also its fvked up that medications like adderall can actually CAUSE depression but instead of the doctor taking you off of adderall he just prescribes you an you really have to read the fine print and do your OWN research.

btw Idk of thats the right plural form of "misdiagnosis" but oh well.

you can let yourself get pushed around for the rest of your life, or you can start pushing back. you can't outsmart a culture, you just have to push back head-on until it stops victimizing you.