Being extremely thin skinned


Well-known member
One problem i have is that all my life i have been thin skinned.

I can't handle any negative comments even if it's just banter in a humorous manner. I often have a hard time differentiating between when someone is genuinely being nasty o'r pulling my leg, for instance on many occassions i've had patronizing comments like ''I'm only joking...No need to cry!''...I have a hard time hiding my feelings which is why i am paranoid about how my facial expression appears. I think that when people see that my facial expression shows me to be upset they take that as a sign of weakness and then take advantage of me.

I think the worst of all is feeling hurt by people i feel closest to, like when i was young my dad called me fat when my jeans would no longer fit me just before going to the chapel kids christmas party. I think this contributed to the anorexia i suffered from at the age of 14.

At college a girl called me ugly right in my face, another said that i was no fun to be with, and the joys of having acne and greasey skin.

I find that the slightest negative comment leaves me thinking obsessively about it for weeks on end, and often stuff said to me from years back come back to haunt me.


Well-known member
Dear, I honestly wouldn't feel bad about this. I am the same way, terribly so actually. In high school all I ever got teased about was my ethnicity, constantly, every single day. From my friends as well which was what hurt the most and though I know they said it jokingly, when it's repeatedly told to you and coupled with kids who really do hate you because of nothing more than you not being's an awful feeling ::(: Especially coming home and dealing with it. Jokes no longer sound funny to me when they're always at your expense. But it hurts, this makes you normal. I think it's only natural for someone to feel like this and people are so incredibly rude. Take comfort in the fact that you've never hurt someone like this. It makes you more empathetic to other's feelings as well.