Being Bullied at Work


Well-known member
Dude, if you don't "need" that job to survive. Screw it. Don't take that kind of crap, it's completely unacceptable in the workplace for that kind of stuff to be occurring. SeaBass said it best, tell that mofo off and let him have it verbally then walk out.

Or, talk with your fellow coworkers and get some sort of lawsuit going. Mucho harassment = mucho dollars, he will make some sort of deal with the bunch of you to avoid severe consequence. Hell, one of you needs to start keeping a tape recorder on you at all times. Sometimes I really wish karma would be instantaneous, this dude deserves it.


Well-known member
There's got to be some sort of labour board you can go to. Bastards like that know everybody is afraid to stand up for themselves and so they'll continue to abuse others for as long as they let it happen. Don't give him the satisfaction. Listen to Sea Bass.


Well-known member
In a sense, we actually teach others how to treat us as they get to know us. If you pick up the garbage after he kicks it over, he knows he can make you do whatever, and feel he has the right to because you let him.
If you need the job so bad, why don't you try going about this in a different way? Such as the 19-yr-old-delinquint you described.
In actuality it is not them disrespecting you, it is you disrespecting yourself by allowing others to disrespect you.


Well-known member
I have been working around 7 years,so far had a 3 steady jobs and a couple of temporary ones,I am not in my native country,you have no idea the kind of people I have encountered over the years :rolleyes: almost all jobs are like that or have someone like that,if you dont like you should quit find another one if you can,right now I am in a tolerable ambient,but I have been to hell and back I tried the most to stay in some places and to tell the truth it wasnt worth it,it really ****ed me up and made me do really bad things I thought I wasnt capable,I am over it and thanks to me it didnt escalate but still haunts my thoughts.
Well, I quit. I was supposed to work at 3:00 P.M. today, but I went in at 2:00 to get my check, and left a note that just said "I quit. -- Nathan." I know, it's ridiculous that I quit that way, but I'm not finished with them quite yet; I'm calling the health board on them, because they have roaches, mice, and black mold in their kitchen. I know they won't be getting in trouble for what they truly deserve to get in trouble for, but having them possibly get shut down or lose customers due to a bad health rating will still be satisfactory. =]


Well-known member
Well, I quit. I was supposed to work at 3:00 P.M. today, but I went in at 2:00 to get my check, and left a note that just said "I quit. -- Nathan." I know, it's ridiculous that I quit that way, but I'm not finished with them quite yet; I'm calling the health board on them, because they have roaches, mice, and black mold in their kitchen. I know they won't be getting in trouble for what they truly deserve to get in trouble for, but having them possibly get shut down or lose customers due to a bad health rating will still be satisfactory. =]

Awesome! Congrats!:cool:


Well-known member
In a sense, we actually teach others how to treat us as they get to know us. If you pick up the garbage after he kicks it over, he knows he can make you do whatever, and feel he has the right to because you let him.
If you need the job so bad, why don't you try going about this in a different way? Such as the 19-yr-old-delinquint you described.
In actuality it is not them disrespecting you, it is you disrespecting yourself by allowing others to disrespect you.

That is true, but it is still not an excuse for the other person to act that way.


Well-known member
Glad you quit. :) You definitely didn't need to put up with that anymore. Now I hope they won't be able to treat anyone else like that in the future.


Well-known member
You know what man i had a boss like that too who was out to get me and had to put up with his fat ass for 2 yrs. I knew it was just a matter of time before i got canned and had this big speech all thought out how i was gonna tell him off once and for all. However, i didnt go through with my big tirade at the end because all of a sudden i felt pity for the old fool. He has to sit in that office for the rest of his life for that ****ty job, not me. I simply laughed at him when he fired me and I think that pissed him off enough. It felt damn good too.


Active member
At first I also tend to just take it, roll over and play nice cos of my SAD making me instinctively defensive, but once I have a chance to mull it over I come back and usually go overboard with my revenge. I'd probably have hit the dude, regardless of the consequences.

I lost it with my current boss the other day (though not to that extent, just started swearing and saying I was fed up with the overtime he was expecting me to work as I'd been losing sleep frequently for months going through with it) but it paid off in that soon afterwards I got a raise and a large bonus, just cos he realised that I wasn't afraid to leave the company and he wouldn't have been able to manage without me.