Being arrested


Has anyone on here ever been arrested by the police before, and locked up in a cell ?
If so what are your experiences, and what is it like ?


Well-known member
I wasn't arrested or locked up, but as a small child I was taken from my mother by the police. It was on false grounds and my dad's fault, but I watched her being arrested and fighting from the back of a police car, and then I was withheld at the police station.
Does that count?


Well-known member
I wasn't arrested or locked up, but as a small child I was taken from my mother by the police. It was on false grounds and my dad's fault, but I watched her being arrested and fighting from the back of a police car, and then I was withheld at the police station.
Does that count?

I'm sorry for u. ::(: Was it temporary ?
I never was arrested or had any contact with the police. *angelface*

Hastings & Main

Well-known member
Hassled by the police many times, under surveillance for six months, nearly arrested twice, but never all the way.

(should mention the surveillance was for a public transit discrepancy, nothing weird or evil)
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