Been bullied pretty much all my life.


Well-known member
This is a post from another forum I go to.


During my kindergarten years I was ever so shy and couldn't even speak to the other kids. I just hung around the swing set. When I got my security doll, Woody (yep. Woody from Toy Story. I still have him), some boys came over and ordered me to give Woody to them. I said no because I would never part with Woody. He was like my baby back then and I STILL won't get rid of him! After saying no, one grabbed Woody by the boot while the other tossed Woody's hat almost over the fence! (It landed right next to it.) The boy who grabbed his boot yanked hard but I still wouldn't let go until.... His boot ripped off. He took the boot and threw it else where and I never saw it again..

You can imagine how I felt... I was only 5 during my first year... although during kindergarten was the time I had the most amount of friends I ever had... then I moved here.

I was in the second grade (I was 8) when I moved to Lebanon. This was the time frame when I just started to get into Pokemon. At school, I seemed to be the only one who liked it.. Since I have Asperger Syndrome, I obsess a lot. I can't help it really so I ended up talking no-stop to people about it not knowing that they hated it so... I was dubbed the "Pokemon Girl". One time durring PE, we were sitting on our numbers on the floor and one guy next to me said "You know Pokemon is gay, right?". Me being so innocent back then, I didn't know there was another meaning to the word gay. I was just so used to the Chirstmas children books so I said "Well yeah, but it's sad too." The guy gave me the weirdest look and I never knew why till I was a little older.

When I got older, it became harder and harder to make friends because it seemed like everyone despised me for what I liked and even what I looked like... I started being called ugly as years went on... For the longest time, I believed it, and still have my moments when I do..

It wasn't until Junior high when I actually got some friends to hang out with and they where the ones to fill me in on... adult subjects. I was 14 and couldn't even say the word sex until they hammered it in to me. At that time (because I was given "the talk" when I was only 10), I thought sex was illegal until I met them. They were really great people though. If they saw that I was in trouble, they'd watch my back. Although... One time there was this terminally ill girl who picked on me in the girl's locker room. I opened my locker but she slammed it right away, not only that but ssince I was so timid around others, I had to dress in the shower where there were curtains. She ripped open the curtains when I was changing and laughed at me! Still... that doesn't change the fact that, she did pass away not that much longer. I went to her funeral which was at a "black church" (I don't mean that to be racist, because I'm not. It's just one of those churches where the preacher yells at the top of his lungs). Me and mom sat RIGHT NEXT TO A SPEAKER! I had to plug my ears but I went there because it felt like the honorable thing to do even though I didn't like her. I mean.. I don't even know why she picked on me. Maybe since she was so young she just wanted to be able to do something rebelious before she died.. I'm not sure.

It's... just unfortunate that when I went to highschool, one of them got expelled because she was trying to defend her family from a racial slurring teacher! (she was mixed so...) Another friend moved so I never got a chance to speak to him until recently when he actually FOUND ME on Myspace. I don't go there much anymore unfortunatly.

I was pretty much alone again until I found a new group of people, pretty much the outcasts or... emo kids if you will. I prefer not to call them emo though, because I HATE that slurr... I was called emo over the internet because I worry so much and during '06 I fell into a depression where I felt extremely guilty about something I might have done.

These guys always sat next to the bleachers during PE and never really played. I did play because I wanted to pass school, but before we had to get dressed, I sat and talked with them. I even showed them my artwork! And they thought I was a fantastic artist, even though, when I look back at the artwork drawn in that time frame, it looks horrible to me. xD

I remember one time being bullied though and another being squealed on for something that was taken HORRIBLY the wrong way..

I pace to think so I remember that there was two guys talking to one another and they knew I was there. One was like "Hey man, what should I use my Masterball on? Zigzagoon or Rayquaza?" as he looked at me for a second. The other was like "Catch Zigzagoon! 8B" I groaned and then the first guy went and asked me "Hey Alicia! What should I use it on?"

Me "Neither. You should use it on Latias or Latios depending on your version. You can catch Rayquaza with an Ultra ball and you can catch Zigzagoon with a normal Pokeball!"

1st guy "Nah.. I think Zigzagoon's fine. 8B"

2nd "Hey when does Zigzagoon evolve? I'm thinking level 8 right?"

Me ".... It's level 20 you nimb-rods >-<+ "

They both laughed at me... I should've just ignored them... I know that now. :/

The other thing that happened was that I brought over shonen-ai I drew myself of like ZimxDib from Invader Zim and even CosmoxTimmy from Fairly Odd Parents. This was art work meant to be cute yet someone I showed it to took it SERIOUSLY the wrong way and classified it as porn. >-> SHONEN-AI IS NOT PORN! Yaoi maybe, but not shonen-ai. In any case... I got an inschool because of it. Not cool. The students in there couldn't believe their eyes when I was in there. Not even the teacher watching them because I'm a rule abider!

Other than those two incidents the only thing I can remember is that there was this one guy that kept going "Pikachu... ahhh. *laughes* Pokemon." whenever I was near him. And this guy went off to join the Army. >-> I hope he learns to be a little more respectful then.

And... That's pretty much it so far. I was never bullied during my... month in college but I was so friggin' paranoid of people going to hate me or even out to get me there I had to drop out.


Well-known member
One time there was this terminally ill girl who picked on me in the girl's locker room. I opened my locker but she slammed it right away, not only that but ssince I was so timid around others, I had to dress in the shower where there were curtains. She ripped open the curtains when I was changing and laughed at me! Still... that doesn't change the fact that, she did pass away not that much longer.
No doubt everyone would use that fact as a stick to beat you with too, forgetting that a scumbag who gets a terminal illness doesn't stop being a scumbag until they're dead. :rolleyes:


Im happy that I never was really bullied because I always had people around me that was protecting me or atleast very often.:)but when I was alone there was always somebody that need to say something stupit to me.In the Kindergarten I was always just standing somewhere and waiting for my grandfather.My grandfather was busdriver and he was always driving trough the kindergarten:)Thinks changed and im not so shy anymore and I talk a little more but I still feel uncomfortabel in like every public place.I think my mental disorder is genetic.
I hope you are well.


Well-known member
No doubt everyone would use that fact as a stick to beat you with too, forgetting that a scumbag who gets a terminal illness doesn't stop being a scumbag until they're dead.

Unfortunatly that's true. :/ Still... I kinda feel bad for her.


Well-known member
my uncle used to beat me mercilessly and nobody ever cared enough about to me to something about it seriously he was old enough to be my father and just beat the crap out of me all the time and nobody thought i was important enough to do anything for me all throughout my childhood even now he torrments me and threatens my very life.
Unfortunatly that's true. :/ Still... I kinda feel bad for her.

You're a nice person. @ Scoobycrawler: I'm really sorry to hear that. That's absolutely unfair... You thoroughly depend on him? If not, you can't get protection from the police or something. Sorry, not sure about how the legal things are handled where you live.


Well-known member
my uncle used to beat me mercilessly and nobody ever cared enough about to me to something about it seriously he was old enough to be my father and just beat the crap out of me all the time and nobody thought i was important enough to do anything for me all throughout my childhood even now he torrments me and threatens my very life.

You should call the police the next time he does something to you. Because that's just wrong.. NOBODY show treat ANYONE like that!

And Dronee, thanks.


Forgotten-Children: When I was reading your post, I was like, "Oh my gosh, that's me!" I used to love Pokemon and Final Fantasy, and I, too, tend to obsess over things. I was bullied in middle school up until High School. I am so sorry to hear that people were so horrible to you, reading your post made me tear up a bit because I know EXACTLY how you feel. I really do. People would make fun of Pokemon or FF, knowing I was right there and could hear them.
I once was cyberbullied so badly that I wanted to die. The town I live in is tiny, and so my class only had about 35 people in it. There was a group of about 7 or 8 kids (the "popular group" *vomit*) that got on a computer at school. I was at home on AIM and they somehow got my SN and IM'd me. They were saying like "Oh did you catch (insert random stupid word that makes no sense) yet on Pokemon?? Wow I wish I was as cool as you" and they told me I was a loser and that I should just kill myself.
So, you're not alone, Forgotten. I do believe in karma, and I've heard about some of the things that's happened to a few of these people that tormented me. This one girl who was basically the ringleader and thought she was the hottest thing ever gained a bunch of weight (not that I'm making fun of her, it's just she was one of those girls who would flaunt her body and thought she was God's gift to man) and was dumped by her longtime boyfriend as a result. And this other guy that was one of the worst ones got busted for having teen porn on his computer. He was in jail for a while, and now he's on probation and had to register as a sex offender.
I'm not someone who is vindictive or tries to get revenge, but when I heard about what happened to those two, it gave me a bit of satisfaction because of the way they treated me. But I also feel sort of bad for them too, because I'm really sensitive and for some reason, I feel sorry for everyone, even those who have wronged me in the past.
Anyway, Forgotten, I'm so sorry about your horrible experiences. I hope that sharing it with others has helped you, and know that there are people who understand and have been in the same dark place. I hope you feel better..take care! <3
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Well-known member
Forgotten-Children: When I was reading your post, I was like, "Oh my gosh, that's me!" I used to love Pokemon and Final Fantasy, and I, too, tend to obsess over things. I was bullied in middle school up until High School. I am so sorry to hear that people were so horrible to you, reading your post made me tear up a bit because I know EXACTLY how you feel. I really do. People would make fun of Pokemon or FF, knowing I was right there and could hear them.
I once was cyberbullied so badly that I wanted to die. The town I live in is tiny, and so my class only had about 35 people in it. There was a group of about 7 or 8 kids (the "popular group" *vomit*) that got on a computer at school. I was at home on AIM and they somehow got my SN and IM'd me. They were saying like "Oh did you catch (insert random stupid word that makes no sense) yet on Pokemon?? Wow I wish I was as cool as you" and they told me I was a loser and that I should just kill myself.
So, you're not alone, Forgotten. I do believe in karma, and I've heard about some of the things that's happened to a few of these people that tormented me. This one girl who was basically the ringleader and thought she was the hottest thing ever gained a bunch of weight and was dumped by her longtime boyfriend as a result. And this other guy that was one of the worst ones got busted for having teen porn on his computer. He was in jail for a while, and now he's on probation and had to register as a sex offender.
I'm not someone who is vindictive or tries to get revenge, but when I heard about what happened to those two, it gave me a bit of satisfaction because of the way they treated me. But I also feel sort of bad for them too, because I'm really sensitive and for some reason, I feel sorry for everyone, even those who have wronged me in the past.
Anyway, Forgotten, I'm so sorry about your horrible experiences. I hope that sharing it with others has helped you, and know that there are people who understand and have been in the same dark place. I hope you feel better..take care! <3

*hugs* I didn't mean to make anyone cry but thanks for your sympathy. <:3 People who make fun of others for what they like are just... Bleh. Dumb. xD But as far as us Pokemon lovers go, I AM planning on making an internet comic of my journey through Isshu or... Unova as Pokemon USA calls it... >->; I don't see the reason why the original name of the region had to be changed but whatever.

Oh wow.... I'm so sorry... *big hug* Well atleast those jerks are gone now right? Or are you still in school?

I believe in it too. And I've kinda grown acceptance of my past so I'm not AS haunted by it as I was. The only thing recently that happened to me to look back on it was a dream I had that some bullies I remember were making for of me because of my hygiene. But I wailed on the guy afterwards. xD That was only a dream though, I would never actually punch a person no matter how much I hated them.

Yeah I do feel better being able to talk online and make friends, though my boyfriend kinda wishes I could make real life friends, but knowing everything that's happened, I don't really think I'm capable of it and quite frankly I don't feel like I need real life friends when I'm perfectly fine with the ones I have online because anyone who lives in Lebanon that're my age are either going to be a b*tch or someone who does drugs. :/

You too. :3 *huggles*